Help With English Papers
King Lear (play)
... to show in detail, the different parts the three daughters had in teaching King Lear about humility.
Goneril, the eldest daughter of Lear. She only loved Lear for what he had, although it showed otherwise in act I, scene 1 of the play.
The words that Goneril told Lear were as follows: "Sir, I love you more than words can wield the matter, dearer than eyesight, space, and liberty, beyond what can be valued, rich or rare, no less than life, with grace, health, beauty, honor; As much as child e'er loved, or father found; A love that makes breath poor and speech unable. Beyond all manner of so much I love you."
T ...
The Rime Of The Ancient Marine
... along within him. The pain of his sin goes away right after he tells his tale but it returns shortly afterwards. The Mariner says that, after telling the Hermit his story, “Since then, at an uncertain hour that agony returns.” Since the first time the Mariner confessed his crime to the Hermit at an inconsistent hour God reminds the Mariner of the sin he has committed by piercing his heart with agonizing pain. He tells the Wedding Guest that, until he tells his story, “The heart within me burns.” This is God’s way of expressing his anger to the Mariner for the curse he put ...
1916 By Morgan Llywelyn
... hears of the disaster through her fiancé Alexander
Campbell. Alexander worked for the White Star Line, the company that owned
the Titanic. Kathleen is very worried about her family. She finds her brother's
name, but not her parents' names, on a list of survivors. While in New York,
Ned was so taken aback by the tragedy that he cannot take in the sounds and
sights of America. He is shell-shocked by the greatest experience of his life so
far. Ned finally builds up the inner courage to go back to Irel ...
Samson Agonistes Dealing With
... close in blind and forsaken rage, a witness to the triumph of the Philistine foe (Worlds Best Poetry).
The character in Samson Agonistes was once, "Heroic renowned/, Whom unarmed no strength of man/, Or fiercest wild beast could withstand" (125-127 Samson), is no longer that feared that man. Instead he is a prisoner of his enemies chained and blinded by them, deceived by his own wife. After a life of such heroic activity Samson begins to question why him. His thoughts swarm upon him like a deadly swarm of hornets armed, no sooner found alone, but rush upon him thronging, and present times past, what he once w ...
... describes his areas of instruction, "I have, alas, studied philosophy, jurisprudence and medicine, too, and, worst of all, theology with keen endeavor, through and through..." It is obvious that through his studies he has valued deep and critical thinking, however with the help of Mephisto, he would disregard his values and pursue the pleasures of the flesh. 's impending downward spiral reveals the greed that both Mephisto and share. Mephisto's greed is evident in the hope that he will overcome 's morality and thus be victorious in his wager with God; also because he is the devil and that is what he does. For , ...
The Great Gatsby 6
... Louisville" dressing in white.
To express her life as normal and typical, she uses her daughter to show off to the company coming over. After everyone is gone, Daisy becomes a bored housewife with no interest to that world wondering what to do with the rest of her life. She appers to be bored yet innocent and harmless to society and environment. Unfortunately, her innocence proves false, as she becomes a materialistic young woman with a little mind of her own, rediscovering her love with Gatsby while still married to Tom. All of these round and dynamic characteristics add different complications to the plot, and di ...
Lindo Jong
... marry a boy who was only a year old. She was twelve years old when the Fen River flooded and destroyed her village and her home. This natural disaster forced her family to move to a nearby village, but Lindo stayed behind. She was to move in with her future in-laws, the Huangs. When she arrived at her new home, the place where she would start her new future, she could see by the outside of the house that the Huangs were much higher in society than her family was. Once she stepped inside, however, she sees that the house is uncomfortable and imposing. Lindo was not welcomed warmly as a new member of the family. ...
The Lust For Power: How Politics And Personal Relations Become One
... authority among the Israelites rested in the hands of patriarchs, or
prominent members within the tribes. These men were righteous figures of
authority, chosen by God, to lead His people and to teach His ways. The success
that swept over the Israelites was short-lived, however, and for the next two
hundred years the people of Israel struggled against neighboring tribes. The
new generation of Israelites “knew neither the Lord nor what he did for Israel”
(Judges 2:10). They began to “do evil in the eyes of the Lord” by worshipping
other gods and engaging in various sexual activities. To save His peo ...
A Street Car Named Desire
... with life outside Laurel. Her life is a lesson in how a single tragic event can ruin the future; her refusal to come out of the time warp and cope with the real world, makes her unrealistic and flighty. At the age of sixteen, she fell in love with, worshipped, and eloped with a sensitive boy. She believed that life with Allan was sheer bliss. Her faith is shattered when she discovers he is a bi-sexual degenerate. She is disgusted and expresses her disappointment in him. This prompts him to commit suicide. Blanche cannot get over this. She holds herself responsible for his untimely death. His death is soon followed ...
Love In Hamlet
... love toward each another. This was shown through the relationships of Laertes and Polonius, Polonius and Ophelia, and through Ophelia and Hamlet.
Although the relationship between Laertes and Polonius showed deceit, there was evidence of love. Polonius' character was shown as a devious, spying character throughout the play. His spying inhibition was what ultimately got him killed, when he was hiding behind an arras and Hamlet stabbed him. One of Polonius' first deceitful actions, was against his own son, Laertes. Polonius hired a spy, Reynaldo, to go to France to spy on Laertes. Polonius even went as ...
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