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Moby Dick
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1345 | Pages: 5

... previous tendency to methodically detail every aspect of whaling life, he assumes a concise, almost journalistic approach in the climax. Note that in these few pages, he makes little attempt to assign value judgements to the events taking place. Stylistically, his narration is reduced to brusque, factual phrases using a greater number of semicolons. By ending the book so curtly, Melville makes a virtually negligible attempt at denouement, leaving what value judgements exist to the reader. Ultimately, it is the dichotomy between the respective fortunes of Ishmael and Ahab that the reader is left with. Herein lies a gr ...

Scarletletter Symbolism
[ view this term paper ]Words: 493 | Pages: 2

... up on that scaffold in front of everyone in the town to gawk at and for admitting that she had committed adultery. Also, it takes a very courageous person to stick up for what they believe in like she did by not telling who she had committed the crime with. The whole story builds you up to this point of finding out who Hester committed adultery with. By this point in the story you have some clue who the father of Pearl is but until you get to the second scaffold scene you don’t know for sure. At the second scaffold scene Dimesdale is on the scaffold and Hester and Pearl come up and join him. Dimesdale i ...

Where Are You Going, Where Hav
[ view this term paper ]Words: 786 | Pages: 3

... of the story. When Connie finally notices his presence, "he [stares] at her and then his lips widened…and there he was still watching her" (593), revealing his true desires and aspirations. Arnold not only wants to kill Connie, but to see and understand every breath she takes. Although unaware of his closeness, it becomes quite apparent that Arnold Friend is stalking Connie when he states, "I Know my Connie" (597). In Arnold's mind, Connie is a component of his game that he must figure out. Bringing fear to Connie's eyes, Arnold states, "I know your name and all about you, lot's of things" (597), trul ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 1045 | Pages: 4

... This does not mean that a narcissus has no love for others, but it is miss-directed love. They get their identity from the love of the image they portray to others. In other words, the better they look to others, the better they feel about themselves. Narcissistic people can be self centered, selfish and maintain an inflated sense of self. They use people to advance their own desire. The act of compassion and forgiveness are nothing more than tools that help him to maintain control. When forgiveness is offered from a narcissus it is an implied statement that they are in a position of authority, which is often ...

Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Self-Reliance”
[ view this term paper ]Words: 635 | Pages: 3

... wholeheartedly enjoyed Emerson’s essay and think about some aspects of life in a new light. Faith and religion is the base of a wonderful life. Emerson states, “The relations of the soul to the divine spirit are so pure, that it is profane to seek to interpose helps. It must be that when God speaketh he should communicate, not one thing, but all things; should fill the world with his voice” (28). This is the target everyone should reach in his or her life. Emerson was correct in saying that it is insane to seek advice from someone who is a “go-between” themselves and God. One could run into a false ...

A Utopian Society
[ view this term paper ]Words: 933 | Pages: 4

... in favor of it all would be the poor. They would like the idea of having a worry free life. Worry free when it comes to food, money and shelter. But it would never work with the rich. The rich would never give up their land for the poor. They would also never give up their money. They would resist it to their fullest. All of their resources would be used to combat all of those in favor of a Utopian society, and would eventually win. The poor probably would not fight for it, for they are afraid of the rich, and know all of the power they hold. Teaching children while they are young is the key to a successful ...

The Change If The Immagery Of
[ view this term paper ]Words: 970 | Pages: 4

... there are more then 100 references to blood in the play. This emphasizes the violent and dark nature of the murders and of the play in general, and it also shows Macbeth’s own character. At first blood is associated with honor and with Macbeth’s bravery in battle. “…with his brandished steel that smoked with bloody execution…” (I.ii.18-19). This is how things normal are at the time of Macbeth; blood is usually connected with battle bravery and honor. Later on, after Macbeth kills Duncan, the meaning of blood begins to change. In Act II Scene ii, after Macbeth kills Duncan, ...

Macbeth 13
[ view this term paper ]Words: 750 | Pages: 3

... as a “baker’s daughter,"(Act IV, Sc. 5, 42) between memories of her father and Hamlet who ought have spokedn to her of events on “Valentine’s day."(Act IV, Sc 5, 48) She is doubly hexed and the madness she has infects the whole court. Once a person’s mental state has been studied in public, there is no telling the injuries which may affect the viewers. Ever since the death of King Hamlet young Hamlet has been what appeared to be in a state of madness. In a discussion between Hamlet and Polonius Hamlet questions Polonius by asking him “have you a daughter.”(Act II, Sc.2, 182) ...

New Atlantis By Francis Bacon
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1340 | Pages: 5

... not offer a complete theory of the nature of the universe, he pointed the way that science, as a new civil religion, might take in developing such a theory. Bacon divided theology into the natural and the revealed. Natural theology is the knowledge of God which we can get from the study of nature and the creatures of God. Convincing proof is given of the existence of God but nothing more. Anything else must come from revealed theology. Science and philosophy have felt the need to justify themselves to laymen. The belief that nature is something to be vexed and tortured to the compliance of man will not satisfy man ...

Bartelby The Scrivener
[ view this term paper ]Words: 950 | Pages: 4

... like the Puritans in The Maypole of Merrymount. The Birth-Mark grapples with the scientific progress of the time. I think the theme of humans trying to control nature with unfavorable results is prevalent in many works of the time, most notably Frankenstein. The fixation that Aylmer has on Georgiana’s birthmark is unnatural. Hawthorne correlates this quest for perfection with Aylmer’s intentions of formulating an elixir of life and mastering the art of alchemy. Maybe Hawthorne is drawing a parallel here between the scientists of his day trying to control nature and by the failure of scientists to do this in the p ...

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