Help With English Papers
APrice Above Rubies
... wanted her to marry a great scholar and lead a good spiritual life. After leaving, she wanders back years later, with child. The community shuns the child, and when she dies, heaven rejects her, so she goes to hell, but the devil cannot bear to see her suffer anymore because he recognizes her as his niece, so she wanders the earth for eternity. The woman is the daughter of a demon. Sonia tells Yossi -
“ I love you more than anything”, when Yossi asks her if she loves him more than God. Yossi tells her she is a sinner and will end up just like the woman in the story, wandering the earth for eternity, like C ...
Cat In The Rain
... emotions and characteristics to shine forth.
The husband is the typical guy, very uninterested in what is going on around him as long as he’s content. He does not seem perceptive to his wife’s needs, whether it is help getting the cat or confidence about her looks. Instead, he sits back and enjoys reading the newspaper while his loved one rants and raves. An example of this is when the wife decides that she is going out in the rain to fetch a lost kitten, the husband gives a courtesy “I’ll do it” but makes no further attempt to help out. He has an another chance to help out his wife ...
Writing With Mechanics
... behind the sheeting blur of rain had been - she was sure of it - a human face…there had been eyes staring back at her." Not only can one commiserate with the character's feelings, but also imagine the actual moment. Another example of a clever description usage occurs when the readers are eager to have Janet uncover what lies in the depths of her trunk. "Her old trunk that stood against the wall was open just a crack; from the crack came this tiny pinpoint of reflected light to prick the cellar's gloom…She went toward it like a woman hypnotized…her old trunk had held the curled-up body of a woman." Thus ...
Ancient Mariner
... us forgiveness many ways. In the story, the mariner betrays nature: "I shot the Albatross!" This action against nature is rather extreme, for he takes lightly to this thought of death. The Albatross, as a representative of nature, means nothing to the Mariner. These thoughts are quickly changed, though, as Nature begins to start the penance leading towards forgiveness - "Water, water, everywhere nor any drop to drink." When "the mariner begins to find his salvation when he begins to look on the 'slimy things' as creatures of strange beauty" (Fraser 203), he understands the Albatross was a symbol of nature and he rea ...
Wilfred Owen Poems Analysis
... to obtain secrecy and privacy from any interference of a person. "And lined the train with faces grimly gay", this third line and Owen has made use of the device oxymoron. The juxtaposition of the word 'grimly' against gay suggests that the men are happy to got to war. But one can assume that deep down inside the men are feeling miserable and are low in the level of confidence to proceed with going to the battle front. The usage of 'gay' has been applied to convey the device oxymoron, although the men are anxious about departure for war, they still try to show cheerfulness. Owen progresses further ahead into t ...
Catcher In The Rye
... Each time he seems to be referring to the subject of this
metaphor as -- someone who discriminates against others, is a hypocrite about
something, or has manifestations of conformity (Corbett 71). Throughout The Catcher
in the Rye, Holden describes and interacts with various members of his family. The
way he talks about or to each gives you some idea of whether he thinks they are
"phony" or normal. A few of his accounts make it more obvious than others to ...
Native Son
... and exploited people because that suffering was an integral part of his own life. The Communist Party had been the only one to take a deep interest in Wright's life and had at one time offered to teach him to write. Richard Wright died on November 28, 1960, at the age of 52 in Paris.
Choose a person who had the most influence on Bigger. I feel that Max had the most influence on Bigger. Max helped Bigger realize what he had done wrong and how that not all white people were out to get the black man. At times Bigger felt that Max was only trying to hurt him but I think that deep down inside, Bigger knew Max was only t ...
Careful, He Might Hear You 2
... of his mother's "ridiculous life". Elliot delves into the innocent musings and ruminations of this child. He conveys PS's feelings and understanding with sparkling clarity. This alone displays how an innocent child is affected by the battle that rages over him, a battle that he has no control over. PS was settled in life until Vanessa entered and shattered it into disharmony. The arrival and presence of PS's invidious aunt creates a lot of stress for the small boy. He must endure changes in his home, school, and lifestyle. All of this was done against the will of PS, who strongly resented the proposition o ...
A Psychological Evaluation Of
... standards. "I wanted to no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart . Only Gastby, was exempt from my reaction"(6). He said that he gave this a reason because Gatsby was, basically, everything Carraway hoped to be. I thought a while before I gave my reply. I explained to him that life was about how rich a man was in experience, not how much material he has. He kind of shrugged it off like it was a cheap psychiatrist line. The more he told me about Gastby, it seemed the more he felt he needed to emulate him. He then began to talk of a Mr. Tom Buchannan. Tom was not to Carraway ...
The Dark Room 2
... she tries to retreat to her dark room. But she realises that hiding in there won’t help. So she tries to leave the house. She stayed with a friend in another village. But after staying there for some time, she can’t help but think of her husband and their children. What would happen to them?
After doing a lot of thinking, she finally decides to go back home. In the end, Ramani has finally stopped seeing Shanta Bai, the other woman, and I guess you could say it’s a happy ending. It’s now up to you to go and guess the rest.
Savitri is very much real. She is basically quite like most p ...
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