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Loving April
... poverty and sadness. Tony is angry with everyone and is desperately lonely. April Dean, the deaf girl also needs friends. April who doesn't have many friends begins a friendship with Tony and this continues throughout the novel.
" 'Why don't I have any friends?' April sighed." Page 83
It is evident that the main character has a primary element, one which clearly indicates that she has no friends.
As the story goes on, April falls in love with Tony. April liked Tony from the beginning and her love for Tony grows throughout the story. This creates jealousy in two boys who love teasing April.
"April, beautiful ...
Comaparison Of Crucible And So
... Sommersby are Jack Sommersby (Horace Townsend), Laurel Sommersby, and Orin Meecham. John Proctor is like Laurel Sommersby in the sense that they have both committed the sin of adultery. Jack Sommersby is much like Elizabeth Proctor because they both have their reasons to believe their spouse is cheating on them, but don’t have the concrete evidence to confront their spouse. And the relationship between the two couples can be described in the same way; they are very uncomfortable around each other. Orin is similar to Abigail Williams because they are the ones that are having the affair with either Laurel or John ...
"Schlesinger's Canon Vs. My High School's Canon"
... the great writers of other cultures.
There is a great deal of European influence in American society and in
American education. Some people, like the Afrocentrists, feel that this
influence is too heavy and that schools should also be teaching about other
cultures in their classes. Schlesinger states in his book that he "believes in
the importance of teaching Americans the history of other cultures—East Asia,
Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Polynesia." Since we live in a
multicultural society, we should be teaching a multicultural curriculum.
At my high school, I feel as if I received this ty ...
A World Without Freedom
... that without freedom, I would not be allowed to carry out my own actions because I would be instructed to perform other people’s wishes. My taped mouth symbolizes the loss of a right that is granted to all Americans, the freedom of speech. Without this freedom, I would be restrained from speaking my mind and expressing my beliefs and desires in a world where I would be pushed down by those in control and punished if I tried to speak. Finally, my blindfolded eyes signify that in I would be forced to look through the eyes of others rather than my own. This means that I must accept other’s opinions even if I ...
Symbolism 2
... should be treated differently. He really stands up for his beliefs and his whole race, and often got in to trouble because he was the only one standing up for his color. The largest, most important symbol in this play is the front door. It symbolizes the unacceptance of peoples colors. It often caused conflicts between Robert and his father. "The realistic cause of conflict is the 'color line' the symbolic line that people must cross in order to accept each either as human beings. This is an ideal goal, just as it is also an insurmountable obstacle, in the society that the play depicts. (Jacob's 1553- ...
Comparison Of The Illiads Achi
... for their troops, and are both very strong. They both had very high confidence in themselves at the beginning of the fight; feeling that they could both beat the other in a fight. This opinion changed, however, shortly into the battle, where Hector began to feel less and less confidant as he slowly lost. The reason they fought was for a just cause, they both believed, although their causes were quite different. These two warriors were not too similar, but they were very different.
One of the most obvious reasons that these two men were different was that one was fighting for the Troy, the other for Greece. He ...
Antigone 7
... herself and did what she thought was right.
I believe Antigone should be admired and worthy to be honored because she did not deny her actions of burying her brother when she knew that the law said not to.
We ran and took her at once. She was not afraid,
Not even when we charged her with what she had done.
She denied nothing.
Creon. And you, Antigone,
You with your head hanging- do you confess this thing?
Antigone. I do. I deny nothing. -pg. 502, lines 43-52
She didn't lie to get her out of trouble nor blame her accused actions on someone else. I think that this would show and tell people not to be afrai ...
Macbeth: Tragedy Or Satire
... the prophecies of his fate, is this Shakespearean work of art really a Tragedy?
Aristotle, one of the greatest men in the history of human thought, interpreted Tragedy as a genre aimed to present a heightened and harmonious imitation of nature, and, in particular, those aspects of nature that touch most closely upon human life. This I think Macbeth attains. However, Aristotle adds a few conditions.
According to Aristotle, a tragedy must have six parts: plot, character, diction, thought, spectacle, and song. Most important is the plot, the structure of the incidents. Tragedy is not an imitation of men, but of action ...
Charles Dickens Hard Times And
... Charles Dickens was an author during this period and his novel Hard Times reflects a number of different themes. The novel focuses on educational and economic systems of Victorian England, the industrial revolution, which spawned how industrial relations were viewed during the 1850's, and utilitarianism. I have chosen the two major themes of industrial relations and educational system during this period. Although, you can not discuss labor relations without bringing focus upon the class society of Victorian England during this period. I will use the Norton Critical Edition of Hard Times, the Sources of the West ...
The Cask Of Amatillado
... told in first person from the point of view of Montresor himself. The exposition of the story occurs when Montresor tells us that he wants to take revenge on Fortunato because "he ventured upon insult." We also learn that he intends to go unpunished for this act of vengeance. The narrator informs us that he is going to continue to smile in Fortunato’s face, but use the pride his victim has in wine to lure him into the catacombs to taste some of his non- existent amontillado. At this point, the reader knows the conflict will be one of man against man. It is an external struggle because Fortunato an ...
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