Help With English Papers
Gimple The Fool
... who would never treat him as a human being. Gimpel did not think of himself as a fool but every reaction betrayed his lie to himself. Gimpel did not make his own way through life and allowed others to persuade his every thoughts. When the voice of reason or logic presented itself, Gimpel chose to ignore common sense. Gimpel was a fool despite his self-denial.
As a necessity of his community Gimpel served the purpose of bread maker and as in all societies he served also as the scapegoat. Gimpel could have been an integral part of his society but instead he was untrue to himself and he was lost. The townsp ...
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
... the repetitious last lines serve to strengthen the speaker’s thoughts. In the first, third, and fifth stanzas, the last lines match each other; in the second and fourth stanzas, the final lines match. The final stanza combines the last lines from the odd and even-numbered stanzas for an additional line. This portrays the ongoing war between life and death. The old man went back and forth between life and death as the stanzas’ last lines switched back and forth. In the end, the two last lines join together as the old man and his son accept that death is a part of life.
Next, the references to "good ...
To Kill A Mocking Bird 2
... male must have beat Mayella because the bruises were on the right side of her and Tom Robinsons left arm was disabled. Robinson could not have beat Ms. Ewell. Tom Robinson was still convicted and later on was shot at a prison fence while he was trying to run away. The juror’s discriminated Mr. Robinson and was prejudice towards him because all though evidence was presented to them that would prove Tom innocent they ignored it because the guy was black and in the 30’s discriminating blacks were heavily favored.
The Twelve Angry Men was about a boy who was accused of stabbing his father to death in a ...
Huckleberry Finn
... on his old rags and ran away. But he went back when Tom Sawyer told him he could join his new band of robbers if he would return to the Widow "and be respectable." The Widow lamented over her failure with Huck, tried to stuff him into cramped clothing, and before every meal had to "grumble" over the food before they could eat it. She tried to teach him about Moses, until Huck found out he was dead and lost interest. Meanwhile, she would not let him smoke; typically, she disapproved of it because she had never tried it, but approved of snuff since she used it herself. Her slim sister who wears glasses, Miss Watson, ...
Daddy 2
... that something is ending. “You do not do, you do not do any more, black shoe,” this shows that she feels that her father cannot hurt her anymore. Also, she knows that she has to let him know how she feels. “In which I have lived like a foot for thirty years, poor and white, barely daring to breathe or achoo,” this expresses her fear of her father, and illustrates the fact that she has remained silent, unable to speak up or even breath any words against him. “Daddy, I have had to kill you. You died before I had time--,” this portrays the extent of her hatred toward him. T ...
Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
... is a hero. That is an undeniable fact. His heroic image stands out notably because Beowulf is what could be called an active hero while Sir Gawain plays the part of a passive hero, but still a hero nonetheless. Beowulf has one duty: he must fight and win. If he succeeds, he is a hero; if he fails he is simply a failure (except when he fails at defeating the dragon because he has already proved himself and goes with honor, which is different from initially failing). In the last lines of the story the author clearly acknowledges Beowulf’s overall triumph, "Telling stories of their dead king and his greatne ...
Lord Of The Flies 4
... which is a very effective setting to establish the idea of savagery. The setting of the story is very important because it shows how the boys are given their own paradise and destroy it. The airplane crew is killed and the boys are left on their own, with no adult supervision.
At the beginning of the story, we meet the character, Ralph, the protagonist of the novel. Ralph is an example of the ethical citizen, intelligent and responsible but, on many occasions, is caught up in the opinion of others. The leadership that Ralph offers isn’t as stable and organized because he isn’t able to control the ...
The Forgotten Door
... and yelled at him for being on their property, but they would not let Jon talk and tell his part of the story. Jon squirmed away, ran like the wind, and jumped over a high fence; Mr. and Mrs. Gilby were amazed. He ran for awhile until he came to a cliff that went down to a road. When he started going down the cliff he slipped and the next thing he knew he was lying down in the middle of the road. A family named the Beans drove down the road and picked him up. They took him back to their house and fed him and took care of him until he was better. Eventually Jon remembered his name, but he didn’t know anythin ...
The Jungle
... a burden. The life of Sinclair and his book is reflected upon only because he uses his opinions in the book. In his book, he made a financial breakthrough and had his first successful novel. Sinclair has written many books dealing with the problems of capitalism and the solutions of communism which is not fair because he writes nothing good of capitalism and it's benefits. He also wrote other books on his wisdom he had gained and relegion. He frequently tried for office but never succeeded. His publications were originally made mostly by publishing them himself.
The story itself takes place in Chicago with a group ...
Mastering The Short Story
... excessive 1 paragraph descriptions. "Today's reader" (whoever that is) has
no need for the descriptive style found in older works. So much for Alistair
A lot of importance is put on not stringing random sentences together.
Each sentence should be aimed towards a specific goal. The sum total of these
sentences is your story. Boles' views a sentence as a factor in a mathematical
equation. He also gets almost romantic about the sentence as a living, sentient
being. Once you shovel the pop-lit drivel where it belongs, you are free to
apply his suggestions to your own work.
It is a good idea to check you ...
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