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Essay On Poems
... lives forever. The question her friend Niles asked was "Why can’t girls go for the water, too?"1. In those days getting the water for the class was a boy’s job. To go out every Friday, to fill the bucket up with water, and bring it back to class. This showed that you were strong, and you also got to have some fun missing half an hour of class. Because the boy’s felt threatened by this question, they started bugging and picking on the girls to make them change their minds. But the girls didn’t, and that is what changed their lives. At the end the teacher did let the girls go for the wate ...
The Masculine Dismissal Of A Women's Quest In The Odyssey, A Room Of One's Own, And Northanger Abbey
... quest is best
displayed in the sphere of domestic life, which drastically diminishes her
diversity of action, compared to men who are expected to live public,
successful lives.
The Homeric journey for males is a physical adventure in the
external world. Odysseus is a man who pursues his objective against all
opposition. He absolutely refuses to give in, whatever happens to him en
route for home. Constantly, he reinforces the principle that will guide
him throughout his struggles:
"For if some god batters me far
out on the wine-blue water, I will endure it,
keeping a stubborn spirit inside of me, ...
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
... That, if it would but apprehend some joy, It comprehends some bringer of that joy; Or in the night, imagining some fear, How easy is a bush supposed a bear! (V,i,2-22) Theseus, in Scene V of A Midsummer Night's Dream, expresses his doubt in the verisimilitude of the lover's recount of their night in the forest. He says that he has no faith in the ravings of lovers- or poets-, as they are as likely as madmen are to be divorced from reason. Coming, as it does, after the resolution of the lovers' dilemma, this monologue serves to dismiss most of the play a hallucinatory imaginings. Theseus is the voice of re ...
Themes Of The Love Song Of Alf
... what the character Prufrock is feeling; instead he utilizes the works of others, such as Dante, to clarify his thoughts and his “universe.”
The beginning of the poem is from Dante’s Inferno. The original work describes a hellish place where spirits are in the forms of flames and the character is asked to describe his life. He tells his story only because he believes no one will hear it. By alluding to Dante’s “Inferno”, Eliot has accomplished two things. The first was to set the tortured and torn tone of Prufrock’s mind as well as the poem. The second was to hint at the the ...
Return Of The Native 2
... as the rhyme scheme to make the poem flow smoothly. The first stanza uses detail to describe an ancient church where the couple is soon to be married. Once this stanza ends Hardy’s attitude changes to one of sorrow. “For he was soon to die, --he softly said, ‘Tell me you love me!’—Holding hard her hand.” It is pathetic that this is the last wish of a dying man. Hardy’s use of consonance allows the reader to understand the man’s feelings. Next stanza the tone changes again, to one of pity for the woman who sells her soul “to be a moment kind.” Rega ...
Julius Caesar-mark Antony
... the shrewdness to take advantage of Brutus’s
gullibility. Antony has his servant say, “Brutus is noble, wise, valiant, and
honest” (III i 126). From this point, it is clear that Antony intends to flatter
Brutus and to work upon those personal qualities of Brutus which represent
his fundamental weaknesses. Antony then comes to the Capitol where he
further flatters the conspirators by shaking their hands and saying, “Friends
am I with you all, and love you all...” (III i 220). This act symbolizes that
Antony has made a new friendship with the conspirators, but in reality, he is ...
Antony Has Been Described As "
... unless they were a close friend. Antony's loyalty is shown when Caesar asks him to touch Calphurnia on the holly chase. Antony replies "When Caesar says 'Do this,' it is perform'd" this shows Antony is loyal, and obedient to Caesars will.
After Caesar's death Antony again shows his loyalty, and asks if he is to be killed, he would like to be killed by the side of the noble Caesar. "If I myself, there is no hour so fit As Caesar's death's hour" "No place will please me so, no mean of death, As here by Caesar" this shows that he holds Caesar as a very noble man, and that he loved him.
However, Antony then appea ...
Compare And Contrast
... then each others. John Smith always exaggerated in his writting not to always to make everything boring. He is very poetic and also uses lots of adjectives. And William Bradford he was a very simple writer, and always wrote things to the point. He never wanted to make anything not simple, he always wanted the reader to understand what was going on in the story instead of being lost.
John Smith's purpose in writing this work was to make himself look like a hero, to make people come to the new world. In John Smith's work he always made fun of the Indians like he was the greatest one then everybody. William Bradford's ...
Lewis Carroll In Wonderland
... Church of England. His many accomplishments include Mathematician, English logician, photographer, and novelist ("Carroll, Lewis").
From the imagination of Lewis Carroll came Alice in Wonderland and many books like it created for children. These books have been compared and interpreted by adults around the world to get a better understanding of who Carroll was as a person. For ages children have enjoyed reading about Alice and her adventure but that story is not the only thing accredited to Carroll.
Carroll the man of many talents was born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson on January 27, 1832. Out of a family of ele ...
The Great Gatsby And The Ameri
... of live and let live even though there was vast amounts of discrimination. Liberty, a thing taken for granted since all born on American soil are free men and women, thus no one cherishes that part of the dream either. The pursuit of happiness is befuddling. Daisy makes this clear by saying “Your revolting” to tom. Obviously she’s unhappy with tom yet she wont leave him for Gatsby. Daisy made this clear when Gatsby gave her the ring and she wouldn’t ware it. And she said “be my friend, be my lover” meaning she wanted him yet she wanted her life of flirting with the in crowd more ...
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