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Brave New World Vs Reality
[ view this term paper ]Words: 631 | Pages: 3

... upsets us instead of trying to solve the problem we use drugs to mask them. Linda's addiction to soma is also an illustration of the similarities of drug abuse between our two worlds. Linda's return to Brave New World after many years brings her to the abuse of soma. She uses it as an escape from reality. Some of us use drugs to escape from the harshness and the tough brutality of reality. We always dream of the perfect utopia and expect our world to transform into it. Some of us always look for the easy way out and drugs allow us that. A further similarity of Brave New World to us, is when John is in the hospit ...

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1605 | Pages: 6

... sin that was going on in the world. Gods simple reply to that was, Yes, but have you observed my servant Job? He is obedient and faithful to me even though all around him are sinning against me." "The reason for that is because of all that you give to him! Take from him all that you have granted , and then see how loyal he is", replied Satan. "Very well", said God," It is done." And with that, he accepted Satan's challenge. With out warning to Job, God destroyed Jobs house, killed his children, and slaughtered Job's cattle. He then cursed Job with painful boils all over his skin, so to make his every movement ...

Jane Eyre
[ view this term paper ]Words: 873 | Pages: 4

... the novel. The characteristics of the two men, who propose to Jane, conjure and symbolize the themes in . Although, Rochester and St. John offer Jane entirely different relationships both men are noticeably selfish and disregard Jane’s feelings to some degree. Both men are strong-willed, powerful, and stubborn about their ways of thinking and living. This is especially seen in St. John as Jane describes her cousin as being "as stiff about urging his point" as possible. They believe that want they do is in the best interest of Jane and use unfair methods to tempt Jane into going against her own morals. Roc ...

Extensive Symbolism Of The Sca
[ view this term paper ]Words: 3871 | Pages: 15

... Dimmesdale, Chillingworth, and Pearl- into symbols in the novel in order to portray his moral and theme of: "Be true. Be true. Be true!" The red letter A is presented but whose meaning has to be deciphered. What does the letter mean? It is a question every character in the novel repeats who confronts the blatant red token and who has to deal with it. The letter A manifests in a variety of forms and places. Not only does the A manifest in various forms, but it also acquires a variety of meanings. It represents more than just the sin of adultery. Even as the original mark of adultery, the scarlet letter h ...

The Awakening
[ view this term paper ]Words: 762 | Pages: 3

... . The possibility of suicide and even the idea of death darkens the story, making Edna's emotional ups and downs dangerous - her occasional misery leads her to subconsciously think of suicide. She holds the hopelessness at bay by moving out and getting her own apartment, while trying to find a man who will accept her, but in the end she succumbs. Edna's closest physical brush with death occurs one night at the beach, when the summer residents decide to take a midnight swim. Despite having had a hard time learning to swim, she realizes her ability and swims farther out than she ever had before. She overestimat ...

A Rose For Emily Characterization
[ view this term paper ]Words: 428 | Pages: 2

... "No visitor had passed since she ceased giving china-painting lessons eight or ten years earlier" (394). Faulkner characterizes Miss Emily's attempt to remove herself from society through her actions. "After her father's death she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at all" (395). The death of her father and the shattered relationship with her sweetheart contributed to her seclusion. Though her father was responsible for her becoming a recluse, her pride also contributed to her seclusion. "None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and such" (395). ...

My Antonia 3
[ view this term paper ]Words: 435 | Pages: 2

... we better stick it out. The babies come along pretty fast, so it look like it be hard move, anyhow.”(234) When Jim is talking to Anton by the windmill about Vienna, Ringstrasse, and the theatres Anton says “ Gee! I’d like to go back there once, when the boys is big enough to farm the place. Sometimes when I read the papers from the old country, I pretty near run away, I never did think I would be a settled man like this.”(234,235) Antonia couldn’t be any happier with the life she is living. She has become grizzled, lost many teeth, and has had to work hard in this new venture. One ...

Changes In Macbeth
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1140 | Pages: 5

... be-all and the end-all__ here, But here, upon this bank and shoal of time, We'd jump the life to come. But in these cases we still have judgment here; that we but teach Bloody instructions, which, being taught, return to plague th' inventor: this even-handed justice commends th' ingredients of our poisoned chalice to our own lips. He's here in double trust: First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, strong both against the deed; then, as his host, who should against his murderer shut the door, not bear the knife myself. Besides, this Duncan Hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been So clear in his great office, t ...

Billy Budd
[ view this term paper ]Words: 574 | Pages: 3

... he salutes the ship saying "And good-by to you too, old Rights-of-Man" (11). Many witnessed this event to be ungrateful to the Indomitable and his role as a member of this ship. While aboard the Indomitable, Billy meets up with John Claggart, the master-at-arms. Claggart’s personality coincides with that of Billy’s and with the help from Dansker, Billy soon realizes. Billy soon realizes that Claggart is out to get him after he talks to the Dansker. "The old man… rubbing the long slant scar at the point where it entered the thin hair, laconically said, Baby Budd, Jemmy Legs is down on you&qu ...

The Iliad
[ view this term paper ]Words: 703 | Pages: 3

... of his time. No one questions Achilleus, nor challenged him, because if they do they would be smite. Achilleus is honorable, he pays respect that is due, and gratefully thanks those who respect him. Up until his outrage in Book XXII all of Achilleus rituals have been consistent. When his temper overcame his natural inveterate intuition Achilleus immediately invoked all ordain and involvement in the Greek Heroic Code. One of Achilleus’ major omissions can be found where he defies the corpse of Hektor. This motion surprised and befuddled the Greek Gods, and had them viewing a plan on a sleuth method of m ...

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