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Help With Creative Writing Papers

Phone Call To Bobbie
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1841 | Pages: 7

... we started to field day. This is a long ridiculous task of sixty-five men cleaning a room seven or eight times just to look busy. During this two hours of boredom I orchestrated a plan to sneak over to the Exchange. My biggest problem was getting out of the barracks. I decided that the night was the best time to try to make my excursion. The only problem was at night there are two unarmed guards on watch and only two doors out of the barracks. I knew as a watch standee myself that the rear watch must report to the forward watch every fifteen minutes leaving me plenty of opportunities to come and go and I only ...

Creative Writing - World War I: Letter Home
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1843 | Pages: 7

... raping and pillaging. I cannot understand why anyone would not want to take their place in Kitchener's New Army; it makes me angry that cowards should be able to duck out of their responsibility to their country. The whole idea of conscientious objection seems absurd to me; it is just a front used to cover cowardice. Conchies don't object to war, they are just scared that they might get hurt. They should see this war for what it is: a chance to help and serve their country, and earn some glory, both for themselves, and for Britain. The Boche needs to be taught a lesson; they cannot expect to just march around th ...

Creative Story: Joel's Dream
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1480 | Pages: 6

... him a deal which would see him earn more than £40000 a week. This would make him the highest paid player in Europe and accelerate him to the top of world football. He was due to meet the manager on Monday to discuss the terms of his contract and if all went well he would sign for Milan and fulfill his dream of being a star footballer and also make his wife Sharon very very happy. Sharon was a gold digger and was after Joel for his money, but she did stick by him, they had been married for two years and if Joel got the contract Sharon would be able to move to Milan and have everything and have everything she d ...

Creative Writing: The Inferno
[ view this term paper ]Words: 523 | Pages: 2

... the embodiment of opposition. As I step into my room, I notice all colors of the spectrum for a fraction of a second, then they appear red. Countless pictures adorn the walls; they are all of one person. I know her, but who is she? Her eyes are dark and enigmatic. I can see the sadness in her eyes. Her eyes. They lack the luminescence of the youthful character they portray. Her glances pierce through my being like light through glass. The carpet is a sea of scorn. It stabs my feet with its blades of contempt. The walls of mockery laugh at me as I foolishly try to climb them to rid myself of its presence. Y ...

Creative Writing: The Tiger And The Tree
[ view this term paper ]Words: 666 | Pages: 3

... up! Stay away from my tree or I'll eat you up!" Eventually Rabbit happened by and heard what was going on. "Oh, Rabbit, what are we to do?" wailed the animals. "Tiger is so mean and won't share the juicy pears! Oh, we are so hungry and thirsty!" Rabbit thought about this and being such a clever animal, he immediately devised a plan. "Come close, come close. Listen to me and I will tell you what to do." The next morning all of the animals secretly gathered in the forest near the field where Tiger was sleeping. All of the animals who lived on the ground, like Turtle, Elephant, Ox, and Donkey, they all stood near big ...

Personal Writing: Why I Should Receive This Scholarship
[ view this term paper ]Words: 384 | Pages: 2

... my weaknesses. I had to concentrate my efforts on my weaknesses. I soon became more outgoing while my abilities that were once weak began to flourish. I recognized that within myself, I was no longer a shy kid who just falls in the back of everyone's mind. I had leadership skills and would develope them to my fullest potential. Later my freshmen year, a teacher encouraged me to participate in a national project to make a difference in the world. This was a project where I could help use my skills to help others. This project was not only about helping those less fortunate than myself. This was a project th ...

Personal Writing: My Friend's Death From AIDS
[ view this term paper ]Words: 403 | Pages: 2

... there is currently a debate over how much government should set aside for the research of AIDS, I believe it is a waste of time. It is the way that money is spent, and not the amount that is important. The leading scientists in this area have stated that they are in very early stages of a long-term project. If you double the amount of money set aside for research, you will not find a cure in half the time. The billions that are currently allocated to AIDS research are sufficient if they are used properly. I would try to put pressure on the legislators to have a bill passed that would define the ways money should be ...

Creative Writing: The Life And Hard Times Of Grantly Marshall
[ view this term paper ]Words: 627 | Pages: 3

... His father ran for president in 1928 under the Communist Party. During this period in his life when they usually excluded him from the other kids, and was the poorest he would ever be, Grantly wanted most of all to go to college. The best things Grantly knew how to do was act and recite poetry. He would memorize poetry with more than twenty stanzas in a week and recite them to anyone who would listen to him speak. Finally, with scholarships, student aid and multiple jobs Grantly fulfilled his dream of attending college. Majoring in theater Grantly graduated Kent State University in 1972 with honors. ...

The Republic Of Pakistan (Speech)
[ view this term paper ]Words: 741 | Pages: 3

... claims otherwise. Both of us want full ownership of all of Kashmir. For the last 2, two years, has there been constant war in Kashmir concerning this regard. India has yet sent over 200,000 troops to torture, kill, rape, slaughter, and burn (yes burn), innocent bystanders. Now, we would like this to an absolute and complete stop! Kashmir is a beautiful place: It contains many attractive site for tourists with luxuries architectural buildings and beautiful surroundings. Also, it possesses many, many natural and agricultural resources which can be of great use. At present, India is destroying both of these great ...

Creative Story: One Strange Trip
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1221 | Pages: 5

... drink. Another dream I had was where every five minutes the machine gave me a can from now until eternity. When I awoke I jumped up and turned around to see if any of the dreams were true. I quickly saw that they were not. I decided that I could not leave this place until I had enjoyed a can of pop. By the 3rd day, I had to scout for food and water because I was feeling malnourished. As I walked around I found a snack machine the kind with many divine foods inside such as candy bar and chips, but still no way to eat them. I stayed here until morning trying to rig a transport of some sort for it. I cut a tr ...

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