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The Birth Of Fiber Optics-To It's Popularity
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1034 | Pages: 4

... pipes lined with a highly reflective coating that illuminated homes by using light from an electric arc lamp placed in the basement and directing the light around the home with the pipes. In 1888, Medical team, Roth and Reuss of Vienna used bent glass rods to illuminate the bodies' cavities. In 1895, french engineer Henry Saint-Rene designed a system of bent glass rods for guiding light images in an attempt at early television. In 1898, American David Smith applied for a patent on a bent glass rod device to be used as a surgical lamp. In the 1920's, Englishmen John Logie Baird and American Clarence W. Hansell ...

“Technology And The Library Perfect Together”
[ view this term paper ]Words: 305 | Pages: 2

... that interest you also and it helps you learn your way around the library. So computers are great to have but it is still a good idea for us to be able to find the information in the card catolog because computers do go down. It is a nice combination. I’m glad we have a choice. Computers in the library are good for families who do not have computers at home. They can go online to do research, get help with homework, even send e-mail to family and friends you don’t get to see very often. It also helps people who are not comfortable with computers become aware of how easy and helpful they really are. You ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 1120 | Pages: 5

... including constructing models of the universe to producing tomorrow's weather reports, and their use has in itself opened up new areas of development. Database services and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources. The same new designs also make possible ideas of privacy and of restricted information sources, but computer crime has become a very important risk that society must face if it would enjoy the benefits of modern technology. Two main types of computers are in use today, analog and digital, although the term computer is often used to mean only the digital type. Everyt ...

The Computer And Mass Communication
[ view this term paper ]Words: 4603 | Pages: 17

... that might enliven my essay, and keep it current. Occasionally I broadcast requests for information. On top of the modem sits the telephone, and that, too, ties me in to an information network. There are more than 500 million phones in the world, and if I knew the number and were willing to pay the bill, I could reach any of them. And as I do my work, I almost always have the radio on, picking a station from dozens of possibilities of broadcast entertainment and news. There is an astonishing electronic information infrastructure surrounding me - surrounding us all. But the electronic part of the information inf ...

History Of The Internet
[ view this term paper ]Words: 856 | Pages: 4

... networks that connect home or college users to the backbone networks. Today, there are more than fifty-thousand networks in more than one-hundred countries worldwide. However, it all started with one network. In the early 1960's the Cold War was escalating and the United States Government was faced with a problem. How could the country communicate after a nuclear war? The Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency, ARPA, had a solution. They would create a non-centralized network that linked from city to city, and base to base. The network was designed to function when parts of it were destroyed. The network ...

Computer Software Piracy
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1506 | Pages: 6

... not just the criminal and cause thousands of computer crimes to be committed daily. Problems associated with the information age include the invasion of privacy, Computer virus, Internet scamming, Junk E-mails, Minors viewing pornography, Fraud Accounts, Illegal Downloading, Hacking, Cyber chat. The most common computer crime committed daily, some aware and many not, is the illegal sharing of computer software. Software is any of the programs used in operating a digital computer, as input and output programs, as defined by Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary. When we purchase computer software, we purchase it ...

The Internet
[ view this term paper ]Words: 710 | Pages: 3

... groups with a wide range of topics in which people can join. Finally, people are free to browse into vast collection of resources (or databases) of the World Wide Web. Electronic mail (e-mail) brings a unique perception into the way of communication. Although, it did not replace the traditional means of communication such as letters and telephone calls, it has created a new method of transmitting information in a more efficient way. E-mail saves time between the interval of sending and receiving a message. Sending an e-mail message halfway around the world can arrive at its destination within a minute or ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 999 | Pages: 4

... order to find a carrier, another computer system that has a link to a network. A terminal is any program that allows you to connect to a network. A password cracker is a program that tries passwords from a giant list so that the hacker can gain access to the computer network. A virii maker is a program that lets you insert the desired program codes and then it assembles the program codes into a working computer virus (Ash, 5-6). The formula that a hacker follows to hack is always the same. First, the hacker runs the prefix scanner, usually at night, to get a list of dial-ups, phone numbers that contain carrie ...

Silicon Science: The Job Of A System Analyst
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1354 | Pages: 5

... boards, peripherals, and choose how the computer will recognize files. System analysts must also select or design an operating system, which is the way the computer interprets files. During the design of the system, a system analyst must use both math models and other models to solve any problems they may come across (Wisconsin Career Information System 1633.3). Once they are finished, the team must write reports on how to solve any problems the consumer may have with the new system, which, in turn, involves the use of more math models. In order to be capable of completing the above tasks, a system analyst mu ...

Development Of Computers And Technology
[ view this term paper ]Words: 3595 | Pages: 14

... the same. The only thing that has really changed in the processor is the speed that it translates commands from 1's and 0's to data that actually means something to a normal computer user. Just in the last few years, computers have undergone major changes. PC users came from using MS-DOS and Windows 3.1, to Windows 95, a whole new operating system. Computer speeds have taken a huge increase as well, in 1995 when a normal computer was a 486 computer running at 33 MHz, to 1997 where a blazing fast Pentium (AKA 586) running at 200 MHz plus. The next generation of processors is slated to come out this year as we ...

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