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Seatbelts And Airbags: They Save Lives!!!
[ view this term paper ]Words: 607 | Pages: 3

... side. These airbags are dangerous to small children sitting in the passenger seat. These airbags are known to short out and deploy even though an accident has not occurred. There have been many questions as to how to disconnect these passenger side airbags. Manufacturers have been trying to make a passenger side airbag disconnecting switch built into the dashboard. This mechanism can be used like an ignition switch: just insert a key and turn the key and the airbag will deactivate. Car owners have also had the airbag flat out removed from the car. Car buyers also just plain avoid buying cars with a passenger si ...

Society And The Role That Computers Play In USA
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1150 | Pages: 5

... Only the wages of college graduates are up. Of the fastest growing technical jobs, software engineering tops the list. Carnegie Mellon University reports, “recruitment of it's software engineering students is up this year by over 20%.” All engineering jobs are paying well, proving that highly skilled labor is what employers want! “There is clear evidence that the supply of workers in the [unskilled labor] categories already exceeds the demand for their services,” says L. Mishel, Research Director of Welfare Reform Network. In view of these facts, I wonder if these trends are good or bad for society ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 289 | Pages: 2

... is a relatively simple process if one follows a few basic steps. First, a person needs to select the bug. There are many different types of bugs ranging from the infinity bug with which you can listen in on a telephone conversation from over 200 miles away to an electaronic laser beam which can pick up the vibrations of a person's voice off a window pane. The infinity bug sells for $1,000 on the black market and the laser for $895. Both, however, are illegal. Second, one needs to know where to plant the bug. A bug can be hidden in a telphone handset, in the back of a desk drawer, etc. The importa ...

Is The Internet Bring A New Era Of American Cultural Imperia
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2738 | Pages: 10

... that drives the Internet. Unlike previous technological revolutions in which the novel idea or technology is inherently neutral, the some of the core technologies behind the Internet are culturally biased. This fact combined with the United States’ commanding dominance in nearly all aspects of the Internet and the apparent lack of controllability of the content of Internet has fueled international fears of a new era of American cultural imperialism. According to Barber, this Western tidal wave of cultural biased information and products will create a bi-polar world (Jihad vs. McWorld). However, Barber concludes ...

The Serious Year 2000 Problem
[ view this term paper ]Words: 423 | Pages: 2

... past instead of four digits to designate the year to save memory during processing. The Year 2000 computer problem can also affect embedded microcontrollers in non-computer equipment such as elevators, security systems, and air conditioning systems. As an example of the type of incorrect calculation which can be produced due to this problem, when a computer sorts dates by year, “00” could be identified as an earlier date than “99”. A financial spreadsheet or projection therefore might show the financial trend for the 1999-2000 period running backwards rather than forwards. Insurance company computers m ...

Where Did UNIX Come From And Why Are There Different Versions Of UNIX?
[ view this term paper ]Words: 276 | Pages: 2

... their own single-user, multi-tasking small operating system and they chose the name UNIX. Their initial goal was simply to operate their DEC PDP machines more effectively. In 1971, UNIX became multi-user and multi-tasking, but it was still just being developed by a small group of programmers who were trying to take advantage of the machines they had at hand. (In other words, this operating system that they were developing did not run on any machine made by Bell!) In 1973, Dennis Ritchie rewrote the UNIX operating system in C (a language he had developed.) And in 1975, the portability of the C programming language ...

The Internal Combustion Engine
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1509 | Pages: 6

... moves up and compresses the air/fuel mixture. The mixture is compressed from atmospheric pressure to between 70 and 125 lb/sq inch. Then the power stroke is when the spark plug releases a spark inside the cylinder igniting the compressed air/fuel mixture causing the piston to fire downward at a very high speed. And finally, the exhaust stroke. This is when the piston moves up and pushes the burnt gas through a one-way valve, which then goes back into the cylinder head and then through the exhaust manifold and exhaust tubes and the leads out of the car. At 2200 RPM the entire four-stroke cycle is completed 1 ...

A System Analyst
[ view this term paper ]Words: 423 | Pages: 2

... to be in the final report. They do flow charting, specifications for the programmers of the report, and development control. Development control is where the Systems Analyst works with the programmers along a critical path. A critical path is like a due date, if the report is to be done in thirty days, the Systems Analyst makes sure the report is done in thirty days. The Systems Analyst also follows the first analysis of when the project will be finished. The critical path also calculates how many man hours it will take to finish, etc. A critical path flowchart also helps the programmers along. Afte ...

Knowledge Is Power: How To Buy A Computer
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1563 | Pages: 6

... because buying a computer can be confusing does not mean one should throw up his hands and put himself at the mercy of some salesman who may not know much more than he does. If one would follow a few basic guidelines, he could be assured of making a wise purchase decision. A computer has only one purpose; to run programs. Some programs require more computing power than others. In order to figure out how powerful a computer the consumer needs, therefore, a person must first determine which programs he wants to run. For many buyers, this creates a problem. They cannot buy a computer until they know what they ...

The Internet
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1203 | Pages: 5

... With twenty newspapers I can hardly read the titles and if I'm not looking for anything in particular I'm lost. Similarly, browsing the web without a very specific subject in mind (as the majority of our fellow humans do) turns this tool into a horrific waste of time. And the vast information stored here is useless, as if it wasn't there. Secondly, to get anything interesting or informative from the web, no matter what the subject, one must know its exact location, else one is compelled to dive into a muddy flood of shit. This leads me to the point of clarifying the term "information": This word usually has two m ...

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