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Interactive Television
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1410 | Pages: 6

... as a background while they do other chores or eat dinner. They like to watch television in groups, not by themselves. The problem with interactive television is that it works best with a focused individual viewer without distractions. It also requires the user to remain indoors for long periods of time which people don't like to do. Human beings are social animals. It is this fact that will keep them from being glued to their television sets. Clearly these factors will not allow interactive television to overtake the American home. So what exactly is interactive television and what does it do? Interactive ...

Propaganda In The Online Free Speech Campaign
[ view this term paper ]Words: 5040 | Pages: 19

... This one part is called the Communications Decency Act (CDA), and it has been challenged in court from the moment it was passed into law. Many of the opponents of the CDA have taken their messages to the Internet in order to gain support for their cause, and a small number of these organizations claim this fight as their only cause. Some of these organizations are broad based civil liberties groups, some fight for freedom of speech based on the first amendment, and other groups favor the lowering of laws involving the use of encrypted data on computers. All of these groups, however, speak out for free speech on ...

Computers: Nonverbal Communications
[ view this term paper ]Words: 4524 | Pages: 17

... virtual realities are presently available to students and faculty at most learning institutions, as well as anyone with a computer and a modem. Though the term "virtual reality" has become connected for many with visions of fancy headgear and million dollar gloves, MUDs require no such hardware. They are, however, a form of virtual reality, "because they construct enduring places, objects, and user identities. These objects have characteristics that define and constrain how users can interact with them," (Holmes & Dishman, 1994, p. 6). Having been created in their most rudimentary form nearly two decades ago, the t ...

Artificial Intelligence
[ view this term paper ]Words: 420 | Pages: 2

... The most important fields of research in this area are information processing, pattern recognition, game-playing computers, and applied fields such as medical diagnosis. Current research in information processing deals with programs that enable a computer to understand written or spoken information and to produce summaries, answer specific questions, or redistribute information to users interested in specific areas of this information. Essential to such programs is the ability of the system to generate grammatically correct sentences and to establish linkages between words, ideas, and associations with other id ...

History Of Computers
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1829 | Pages: 7

... easier and quicker. The first basic type of computers were designed to do just that; compute!. They performed basic math functions such as multiplication and division and displayed the results in a variety of methods. Some computers displayed results in a binary representation of electronic lamps. Binary denotes using only ones and zeros thus, lit lamps represented ones and unlit lamps represented zeros. The irony of this is that people needed to perform another mathematical function to translate binary to decimal to make it readable to the user. One of the first computers was called ENIAC. It was a huge, monstrou ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 1227 | Pages: 5

... the code. He also had won a 20,000 Dollar reward for doing it. It was not the reward he did it for but to show people that it was not impossible to break the code inexpensively ( From a country’s point of view $200,000 Is Chicken feed). The reason I decided to choose this topic was because my hobby has a lot to do with . My hobby is hacking. Before rushing to judge my character, it is important to first understand what a hacker does and what a cracker does. A hacker likes to work with computers and tries hard to figure out how they work. A Cracker has malicious intent, a hacker may or may not intend to commit an ...

Macintosh Vs. IBM
[ view this term paper ]Words: 3121 | Pages: 12

... about $9,000 which caused it to be out of the main stream of personal computers, even though their first computer did not get off to as big as a start they had hoped it did not stop them from continuing on. Later on IBM teamed up with Microsoft to create an operating system to run their new computers, because their software division was not able to meet a deadline. They also teamed up with Intel to supply its chips for the first IBM personal computer. When the personal computer hit the market it was a major hit and IBM became a strong power in electronic computers. Phoenix Technologies went through published docum ...

Noise Reduction In Hearing Aids
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2400 | Pages: 9

... normal hearing sits in a restaurant, he can distinguish a conversational speech signal that is as little as three decibels greater than the ambient noise. On the other hand, a person with a 30-decibel sensorineural loss might need the speech signal to be 15 or more decibels greater than the ambient noise. The hearing aid’s task is to acoustically or electronically compensate for both the neurological shortcomings of the hearing impaired person and the wide band increase inherent in any basic amplifier. Acoustic compensation can be carried out in a hearing aid microphone. Most hearing aids today utilize omnidi ...

Information Technology And Quality Customer Service
[ view this term paper ]Words: 602 | Pages: 3

... mission of BAS is to provide quality computer software support through a customer service oriented methodology. A while back, before ITSD, there were ASU (Automated Systems Unit) analysts who lead and coordinated automation projects. They would gather up the requests from the different SSG divisions/departments, do a preliminary analysis, write a work order stating the request and/or problem that was to be solved through automation. The work order would then find its way to ISD (Information Services Department) where it would be assigned to a programmer analyst who would do an in-depth analysis with the help of th ...

Truth And Lies About The Computer Virus
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1126 | Pages: 5

... studies it. The anti-virus company makes an "unbiased" decision about the virus and then disclose their findings to the public. The problem with the current system is that there are no checks and balances. If the anti-virus company wants to make viruses seem worse all they have to do is distort the truth. There is no organization that certifies wheather or not a virus is real. Even more potentially harmful is that the anti-virus companies could write viruses in order to sell their programs. Software companies have and do distort the truth about viruses. "Antivirus firms tend to count even the most insignifica ...

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