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Help With Book Reports Papers

Character Symbolization In Lord Of The Flies
[ view this term paper ]Words: 768 | Pages: 3

... emotions to decide upon important dilemmas. Piggy does not let his emotions guide him. Through the course of the novel, we see how the symbolic society on this uninhabited tropical island in the Pacific Ocean makes the transition from carefully organized democratic reasoning to feeling-driven madness. The climax of this transition is marked by the death of Piggy and the destruction of the conch shell, which has very similar symbolism to Piggy. The gradual shift is also measured by various incidents that obstruct Piggy's mental reasoning, such as the breaking of his eye glasses, and the loss of the boys' faith in ...

The Untouchables
[ view this term paper ]Words: 576 | Pages: 3

... It tells in detail what Eliot Ness, the leader of “The Untouchables” went through and how they went about busting up the liquor sales in the Chicago area. It gives good information of who was responsible for what, and how all their investigations took place. Eliot Ness is the author and main character in this book. It was written in first person, so we get all the information he was thinking. Through his actions as a prohibition agent he affected history by enforcing the 19th amendment like no one else ever did. He set a new standard for young law enforcing agents to live up t ...

Tale Of Two Cities: The Wine Shop Chapter - Element Of Secrecy
[ view this term paper ]Words: 361 | Pages: 2

... in the older and more crowded parts of Paris, would be bad enough now, but at the time, it was vile enough."(pg. 31). To a sand, to Mr. Monette's hiding would discourage most people. The use of this particular hiding place appears affective. It is not likely that Mme. Defarge would attempt this limb. Mme. Defarge's behavior appears to be secretive. Because there are strangers in the taver, Mme. Defarge warns her husband with gentle coughs and raises her eyebrows to get his attention. Mme. Defarge said nothing...but coughed just one grain of cough. This, in combination with lifting her darkly defined eyebrows suggesti ...

Friends Cannot Be Objects (zen
[ view this term paper ]Words: 359 | Pages: 2

... he starts over with his daughter, Nell, letting her know how much she is loved and appreciated. Sometimes all a person needs in life is a second chance, and Phaedrus accomplished this more than once. The first time was with his new personality, the second, his daughter, Nell. Like this, sometimes all a friendship needs is a second chance. If two friends get upset at each other, if they have a good enough relationship, they'll at least attempt to work things out. Obviously, if they have enough in common to be such good friends, they'll have enough patience with the other person to compromise. Compromise is an ...

The Crucible 3
[ view this term paper ]Words: 985 | Pages: 4

... of the Puritans, and relate it to our world today. To understand the implications of Mr. Miller when he discusses the Salem witchcraft trials as having an impact on our society, one must first completely understand the metaphor, and all of its implications. Clearly, the candle described represents their persecution of the witches, perhaps the burning flame a symbol of the power that the Puritans possessed. It was the divine light that emanated from this candle, that they believed they could use to expose the heretics and eventually remove them from their society. The darkness that supposedly befuddled good and evil ...

Character Analysis Of Iago In
[ view this term paper ]Words: 542 | Pages: 2

... himself look suspicious. Iago also plays Roderigo into giving him money and leaving the picture so Iago can do his work. Possibly the best work Iago does is on his boss, Othello. Iago plays Othello perfectly. He plays on every man's weakness, jealousy. Othello takes every word Iago says like it is truth, and whenever he does question Iago, Iago's quick wits keep him uncovered by weaving all his lies together. Iago was capable of bringing Othello into killing his own wife without ever have Othello question his wife or anyone else. In Othello's mind, Iago was so trust worthy that anyone elses word would not b ...

“Style Critique On The Hot Zone”
[ view this term paper ]Words: 882 | Pages: 4

... story occurs when Ebola Zaire is discovered in a monkey house near Washington, D.C. and the Army has to decontaminate the entire facility. Luckily, the airborne strain only affected monkeys and didn’t infect humans. Preston concludes with his own trip to Africa to look at a possible reservoir of the viruses. Preston’s style is sensational journalism. He uses graphic detail when describing the effects of the viruses to make it sensational. Doctors would be brief and scientific in their reports on the symptoms. Preston description’s are not brief and are graphic. “ His face lost all appearance of lif ...

Edna Pontellier Wants To Swim-
[ view this term paper ]Words: 869 | Pages: 4

... equal to (unlike her husband). Edna was far ahead of her time to crave such things. This behavior was considered unacceptable and vulgar. This leaves Edna very alone in her search for what she wants in life. She thinks Robert is what she needs, but soon enough discovers he certainly is not. She makes a choice, and many events lead up to this final act of suicide. Edna realizes she is till very young and has grown numb to feelings of vitality, love, and freedom; her spirit has become nonexistent. What she discovers are things she could not ignore. The first changes occurred when she began sleeping when she pleased ...

Love And Communication Bringing Together Huck Finn< Ethan Frome And Jay Gatsby
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1058 | Pages: 4

... and F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. Each of these novels' main characters showed a deep emotional bond with another character. Huck Finn's relationship with Jim was somewhat strange, but nevertheless was strong. Jim was a runaway slave and Huck thought that it was a sin to help a runaway slave. Despite his religious beliefs, Huck knew that he was "the best friend old Jim ever had, and the only one he's got now." He knew that by helping Jim he "will go to hell," but took this risk and followed his own morality. Love was also shared between two characters in Ethan Frome. The love shared in this nov ...

All Quiet On The Western Front
[ view this term paper ]Words: 627 | Pages: 3

... them as they fight, love, hate, and in many cases, die. This is mainly through each of the character's personalities, which are so well-developed that you find yourself wondering if these were real people at some time or another and you might travel to Germany to meet them. The plot is not linear, and in most cases I would say that this is a negative thing. However, in the book the author actually uses it to enhance the storyline by not dwelling on any one scene for too long. Many chapters end and you find yourself wondering if there was supposed to be more. By the end, you realize that it actually enhances the p ...

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