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Help With Book Reports Papers

Miss Brill: A Pathetic Character
[ view this term paper ]Words: 378 | Pages: 2

... them in her mind, as if she were trying to build herself up. She is almost frozen in time, wearing a ratty fox fur as if she were in the theater. The illusion that she is a respected elder is shattered when two lovers she is eavesdropping on make fun of her, calling her fur “a fried whiting”. Her fur is her pride joy. She feels extravagant and lavish when she wears it. When it is mocked she is very hurt. She walks home without getting her usual “honey cake” and puts away her precious fur. As she does so she thinks she hears something crying. Her life is so inauthentic, made up of second hand gossip ...

Madame Bovary: The Origin Of Emma And Nora
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1194 | Pages: 5

... create two of their most famous characters: Nora, from “A Dolls House”, and Emma from Madame Bovary? An insight into the background of these authors reveals that both Nora and Emma are reflections of social and political viewpoints of their authors, and are at least partially based on people that the authors knew. First of all, it is important to know the socio-economic status and background of the two authors. It is also good to at least have an idea about the society in which they lived. Then it is possible to see why they had certain viewpoints and how these viewpoints had an effect on the personalities and ...

The Odyssey 2
[ view this term paper ]Words: 682 | Pages: 3

... are attacked and some are eaten by Polyphemus. After intoxicating the great Cyclops, Odysseus and his men blind the monster with a heated spear. The men could have made an escape without incident but Odysseus mocked Polyphemus and shouted out his real name, when before Odysseus had told him that his name was "Noman". With this new information Polyphemus prays to his father Poseidon to have Odysseus and his men punished. Having angered Poseidon, they must wander throughout the sea slowly dying one by one. Odysseus learns that bragging can have ill effects and uses this knowledge on the island of the Phaec ...

The Plague
[ view this term paper ]Words: 466 | Pages: 2

... that Lucifer has his spear in his hand pointing it at people’s houses sending into their house where will be awaiting their return home. Father Paneloux believes that the people of Oran are being punished because they didn’t spend enough time with God at church. He believes that they are being punished just like Cain from the Old Testament. He believes that , which is killing many also, is trying to lead the people towards the right path. In Father Paneloux’s second sermon he says “my brothers, a time of testing has come for us all we must believe everything or deny everything. And who among you, ...

A Tale Of Two Cities: Characters Are "Recalled To Life"
[ view this term paper ]Words: 464 | Pages: 2

... to him or "recalled him to life." Another instance in which someone is "recalled to life" involves Charles Darnay. Charles Darnay is on trial for treason in England(Book 2, Ch.2-4). C.J Stryver and Sydney Carton are representing Darnay in this trial. Sydney Carton saves Darnay from death in this trial with his miraculous wits. Through this Darnay is given another chance at life ,and therefore was "recalled to life." The last and most significant instance of someone being "recalled to life" is found in the last chapters of this book. Sydney Carton has recently switched places with his look alike, Darnay, and is ...

Anne Hutchinson
[ view this term paper ]Words: 4838 | Pages: 18

... motive for her persecution was that she challenged the traditional subordinate role of women in Puritan society by expressing her own religious convictions. was born Anne Marbury in Alford, England, in 1591. Anne's father was a deacon at Christ Church, Cambridge. Francis Marbury spoke out earnestly about his convictions that many of the ordained ministers in the Church of England were unfit to guide people's souls. For this act of defiance, he was put in jail for one year. Undaunted, Francis Marbury continued to voice his radical opinions, including that many ministers were appointed haphazardly by high church offi ...

Comparison Of Macbeth And Jack (of Lord Of The Flies)
[ view this term paper ]Words: 528 | Pages: 2

... leader of the hunting party in the beginning of the story, but he wanted to become the leader of the entire group on the island. Macbeth wanted to become the king of Scotland after having the conversation with the three witches. Fourthly, they both became more cruel as they gained more power. After Jack formed his own group and set up a camp on Castle Rock, he became more cruel than before. For Macbeth, he hesitated six times before killing Duncan. But when he planned to kill Banquo and Macduff's family, he didn't hesitated and killed them without regret. Lastly, they were both superstitious. Jack was supers ...

The Great Gatsby: Death Of The American Dream
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1425 | Pages: 6

... to the Old South and its values. Fitzgerald's mother, Mary (Mollie) McQuillan, was the daughter of an Irish immigrant who made his fortune as a wholesale grocer in St. Paul. Edward Fitzgerald failed as a manufacturer of wicker furniture in St. Paul, and he became a salesman for Procter & Gamble in upstate New York. After he was dismissed in 1908, when his son was twelve, the family returned to St. Paul and lived comfortably on Mollie Fitzgerald's inheritance. Fitzgerald attended the St. Paul Academy; his first writing to appear in print was a detective story in the school newspaper when he was thirteen. Fr ...

Macbeth Theme-one Thing Leads
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1162 | Pages: 5

... This situation is when Macbeth first met the three weird sisters in the beginning part of the play. The three weird sisters introduced two prophecies to Macbeth. The first prophecy is "All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor. (Act 1, Scene 3)." The second prophecy is "All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter! (Act 1, Scene 3)" The prophecies of the three witches spark up a flare in Macbeth's mind. After the first of the two prophecies came true, he was faced with the decision to assassin King Duncan or to sit down calmly and do nothing about it. Macbeth's final decision was to kill the king and ...

The Great Gatsby: Portraying A Morose Tone
[ view this term paper ]Words: 589 | Pages: 3

... reader feel melancholy for Gatsby because it it's depressing for no one to come to the funeral. It reveals how Nick and Mr. Gatz experience anticipation. Both of them know devoutly that no one will come pay their respects to Jay Gatsby. Mainly because they wait half an hour for people to show up. Also, in the phrase ". . . his eyes began to blink anxiously" the word anxiously shows Nick's dolefulness for the lack of sympathy that Gatsby fails to receive. The word procession reflects the despair and lack of friendship that Gatsby witnesses in his life. The lack of companionship that Gatsby has cogitates how l ...

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