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Help With Book Reports Papers

The Stone Angel: Hagar Shipley
[ view this term paper ]Words: 971 | Pages: 4

... frustration, and her own death. Hagar's overwhelming pride was the reason she could not show love nor affection to those around her. She inherited her pride from her father and from an early age she always refused to show emotion because she was too proud to let anyone see her weaknesses. Her father made aware that she had "backbone" (p.10) and that "she took after him" (p.10). The first sigh of Hagar's excessive pride was shown when her father scolded her for telling a customer that there were bugs in the barrel of raisins. She refused to cry before and after the punishment: "I wouldn't let him see me cry, ...

Animal Farm
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1009 | Pages: 4

... his work and ideas to us and we grow trying to fulfill his demands.....failing. Introduction- When I first looked at this book I thought It would be a children's storybook. Then I noticed the thickness of the novel and opened it up. I read the introduction and found that the novel was based on a political matter, and I thought that the title was just a metaphor, and there were no "animals" in the story. As I read I discovered the whole thing was a metaphor. The five topics I'll be covering are: 1. plot structure 2. conflict 3. point of view 4. symbolism and ...

1984: Summary
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1282 | Pages: 5

... no longer think for themselves. These future citizens would not be able to commit any crimes against the Party. There is no possible way these humans would even think "criminal" thoughts to begin with since they had no knowledge of any crime from personal experience or history. The main character of this book is Winston Smith. Even though he is portrayed as a criminal, I believe that he is a victim of a system that is criminal. All through this book Winston's convictions lead us to believe that he is ethical and the Party is unjust but it is left up to the readers discretion to decide whether he is the criminal o ...

To Kill A Mockingbird 3
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2678 | Pages: 10

... and Scout. According to Scout they are married. (Boo) Arthur Radley is the man that takes Jem back to his house after Jem Bob Ewell hurts Jem. Tom Robinson is a black man that was accused of raping Mayella Ewell. Bob Ewell is Mayella's father. He is out for revenge on Atticus for what he did to him and his daughter. Mayella is Bob's daughter who supposedly got raped by Tom Robinson. Judge Taylor is the Judge of Maycomb County. Heck Tate is the county law official. Atticus tells his children: "I prefer you shoot tin cans, but I know you'll wanna shoot birds, if you can hit 'em. Shoot all the Blue Jays you want, but n ...

The Canterbury Tales: The Perfect Love
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1071 | Pages: 4

... more than life. At one point Palomon says to Arcite, " Though I have no weapon here . . . either you shall die or you shall not love Emily." The love that Palomon feels for Emily is so overwhelming that he is willing to take on an armed man, in mortal combat, just for the love of a woman. Perhaps he feels that without her he will surely die, so why not die trying to win her. The ironic fact about the relationship between the two knights and Emily is that Emily does not wish to marry either of the knights. she expresses this in a prayer to Diana, the goddess of chaste, " Well you know that I desire to be a maiden ...

Hamlet Literary Analysis
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1896 | Pages: 7

... out several times. Hamlet’s actions throughout the play support this deceitful nature. His dual personalities are the foundation of his madness. There are many examples that illustrate how Hamlet’s deceitful nature results in a tragedy because of his inability to choose which role to play. In Act One, Hamlet appears to be very straightforward in his actions and his role. When his mother questions him, Hamlet says, "Seems, madam? Nay it is. I know not seems" (1.2.76). By saying this, Hamlet lets Gertrude know that he is what she sees, torn over his father’s death. Later, he makes a clear sta ...

Herman Hesse's Siddhartha
[ view this term paper ]Words: 549 | Pages: 2

... and an old torn loin cloth come to me. Many young men come to me, including Brahmin's sons but they come to me in fine clothes, in fine shoes; there is scent in their hair and money in their purses. That is how these young men come to me, O Samana.² These teachings in which Kamala placed upon him helped him to seek out the riches and wealth that would supposedly bring him happiness. Another of the people who Siddhartha obtained knowledge from was the rich merchant Kamaswami. Kamaswami taught Siddhartha the secrets of making money and living the life of a rich man. While working for Kamaswami many of S ...

New Passages: Living Life On The Edge
[ view this term paper ]Words: 634 | Pages: 3

... to find ourselves looking over the edge. The view is panoramic, breathtaking. But what about the trip down?” I personally support her view and further contend that this is where we find the presence of God. However, I also believe that we cannot limit the presence of God in our lives to only those moments when we are at the top of the mountain. Karl Rahner refers to God as always being on our horizon. The use of this metaphor suggests that God’s presence is found only when we have reached the mountain summit. Yet, this greatly limits God’s presence in our life. Most people have often felt the ...

Defense Statement
[ view this term paper ]Words: 279 | Pages: 2

... say that murder is unlawful, but would you say what George Milton did was murder? He was saving a life more than taking one. Lenny was already "dead" in a sense at the point that George pulled the trigger. There were a lot of men with shotguns and hunting dogs searching for Lenny, who had absolutely NO chance of escape. For the men who worked at the farm were almost on to where Lenny was hiding and there was no time for Lenny and George to run. If Lenny were to fall in the hands of the people, he would have been tortured and killed. He would have died with the worst feeling of all in his body, hatred, and the hatre ...

Letter To Elie Regarding The Holocaust
[ view this term paper ]Words: 300 | Pages: 2

... were very fortunate to have stuck together. You two were close and would do anything for each other. When your father was beaten, you were scared out of your mind. You didn't know what to do. I think that if you would have defended your father it would have done everybody some good. You should have helped your father out because it was the right thing to do. Your father did so much for you; it was the least you could have done for him. Your father raised you and supported you; without him you wouldn't be what you are today. I would have helped my father out if I were in this situation. Honestly, your dad is th ...

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