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Help With Book Reports Papers

Review Of Hemmingway's "In Our Time"
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1929 | Pages: 8

... are never main characters, usually do not have any names and are of basically no significance. In Hemmingway's defense, however, there is the difference in time periods between now and the earlier views of sexism in the beginning of the twentieth century. But the question that arises is whether Hemmingway is acting as a man of the times or is he still overly "masculine" or sexist in his own nature? Although the book does not have any sequential order to it I believe that it does have criteria fit for a novel. If the book is compared to life it is evident that there is not a single distinct pattern that neither ...

Juanita Platero's "Chee's Daughter": Character's Environment Reveals A Great Deal About Personality
[ view this term paper ]Words: 511 | Pages: 2

... his caring nature. He shows this by caring for the land he lives on like a father would do for his son. He shows that he cares for the land by thinking that "if he sang the proper songs, if he cared for the land faithfully, it would not forsake him now..."(82) Chee is trying to grow food and he thinks that if he cares for the land and respects it that the earth would in turn make the food grow well. Another way to show this is how Chee thought that if he "Take care of the land and it will take care of you."(81) Chee cared and respected the land and in turn the land gave him food for which he would to barter back Lit ...

Comparison Of Huck Finn And To
[ view this term paper ]Words: 245 | Pages: 1

... Huck are two adventurous souls but in very opposing ways. Huck’s idea of adventure is to escape from society, their beliefs and all of their conformities, but he does it in a way that is level-headed and sensible. Tom, on the other hand, is more likely to make up an adventure based on something he had read in a book and not really trying to escape anything. All of his ideas and schemes come from books, unlike Huck, who has actually lived the fantasies Tom has imagined. The two are alike in one way though. They both have a very strong sense of adventure. I think this one trait along with their similar ages ...

Summary Of El Cid
[ view this term paper ]Words: 713 | Pages: 3

... is in teh first verse. As El Cid is being exiled he said, "I give Thee thanks, O God, our father in heaven. My wicked enemies have contrived this plot against me." This shows even in his lowest moment he still thanks Gos for all he has given him. El Cid shows the deepness of his faith before going into battle He always asks God to be with him, and after he and his men win each battle El Cid always thanks God for letting it happen. He believes God let it happen, he never thought it is him. Ruy Diaz is an extrodinary leader. He is always fearless before going into battl; he does not even consider that ...

All Quiet On The Western Front: An Analysis
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1020 | Pages: 4

... gives you nationalist feelings through pride of Paul and the rest of the boys. However at the end of the war Remarque shows how pointless war really is. This is felt when everyone starts to die as the war progresses. Remarque accurately portrays all aspects of the war. However Remarque is best able to portray the effects the war has on the soldiers and the rest of the people and the scene of the battlefield compared to home. The war scarred the soldiers permanently, if not physically then mentally. After the war the soldiers usually never recovered from the war. Two of the most common side affects of the war we ...

Gray's "The Epitaph": An Analysis
[ view this term paper ]Words: 441 | Pages: 2

... this world. Their one and only sole purpose in this world is to waste space in the earth and rot away for eternity. Gray's style is very intriguing. He speaks of god and how there are certain things around that are only now known as "frailties" of what used to be life. Gray speaks out against the way this person was treated in society which is symbolic of how people are being treated as a whole and the hollowness and shallowness of people in the world. Now the person is dead, there is no other help that you could give him. "Large was his bounty, and his soul sincere" was how the man lived, and although hi ...

East Of Eden
[ view this term paper ]Words: 277 | Pages: 2

... rejected as a child and then she grew up with resentment in her creating evil. The resentment never went away so the evil just built up. This is a step in the direction of crime and guilt. Revenge is pursued when a person is rejected by others. With revenge comes more evil and crime. "I am sure my self that there would be fewer jails"(Steinbeck p.355) Revenge causes people to do bad things which gets them into trouble. When revenge takes over the person becomes obsessed and they tend to go physco." I think that if rejection could be amputated, the human would not be who he is. Maybe there would be fewer craz ...

"The Necklace": The Development Of Irony
[ view this term paper ]Words: 586 | Pages: 3

... She is a beautiful and charming woman who feels "herself destined for all delicacies and luxuries" (4). Fate, however, placed her among the middle class where life was very simple. For her, the only means to a more affluent class was through her imagination. She dreams of "large silent anterooms, expensive silks and of achievement and fame that would make her the envy of all other women" (4). What she fails to realize is that these daydreams only make her more dissatisfied with her real life. As a result, she becomes more focused on what she does not have rather than what she does have. Contributing t ...

East Of Eden By John Steinbeck
[ view this term paper ]Words: 747 | Pages: 3

... was born with the tendencies, or lack of them, which drove and forced her all of her life," said Steinbeck. Cathy used this to her advantage by making people uneasy, but not so uneasy that they would not run away from her. Cathy was born with an innocent look that fooled many; she had golden blond hair, hazel eyes, a thin and delicate nose, and a small chin to make her face look heart shaped. Acoording to the town Cathy lived, Cathy had a scent of sweetness, but that is just what Cathy wanted the town to see and think when Cathy planned her kill. On page 114-115, "The fire broke out... the Ames house went up l ...

To Kill A Mockingbird Essay-ev
[ view this term paper ]Words: 581 | Pages: 3

... a cotton gin. Atticus expanded on this point by unexpectedly throwing a ball at Tom Robinson. Tom’s only reaction was to catch the ball with his right arm. This point is connected to Heck Tate’s testimony in telling the court that the right side of Mayella’s face had been severely bruised. A left-handed person would logically have inflicted this injury. Tom’s left hand is shriveled and totally useless. On the other side of the coin, Atticus shows the court that Mr. Ewell is not ambidextrous but is only right-handed. A second testimony that supports the opposite of the verdict, was the ...

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