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Help With Book Reports Papers

Midsummer Nights Dream: Humor
[ view this term paper ]Words: 597 | Pages: 3

... sweet,"82 he was supposted to say ‘odors' instead of ‘odious' in the sentence. Odors means "fragrant smells," while odious means "repulsive." A simple mistake by someone that is low in the society, but totally changes the meaning of the sentence. This humor is obvious to everybody watching that Bottom had made a mistake. This type of humor, while obvious, sometimes doesn't portray the meaning correctly. Inferred humor is sometimes more suited for this. Shakespeare used something like inferred humor to get across some other meanings that added to the play. One good example is the character of ...

All The King's Men: Man As A Slave To Knowledge
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1344 | Pages: 5

... but rather, its keeper. Stark uses information about people for blackmail, to achieve his goals. His goals for political offices ranged from Mason County Treasurer to state governor, senator, and most likely thoughts of presidency. And on the way to get to these offices, Stark had to overpower others with dark knowledge, the secrets people keep. Stark says that “man is conceived in sin and born in corruption and he passeth from the stink of the didie to the stench of the shroud. There is always something (49).” He is saying that everyone has something to hide, a skeleton in the closet. Stark knows that everyone h ...

Solomon's "The Return Of The Screw"
[ view this term paper ]Words: 792 | Pages: 3

... hypothesizes, she filters the information to make it seem less extraordinary a demise. Perhaps Mrs. Grose killed him out of jealously. The reader can infer from this point of view that Mrs. Grose somehow also had a hand in Ms. Jessel's death. Mrs. Grose then proceeds, after the murders, to twist the new governess' visions of ghosts into visions of Quint and Jessel. Solomon does not address the issue of whether or not what the governess sees is actually there. His explanation is logical either way. If the governess sees real ghosts, or if she is imagining it all, does not matter. What matters is that Mrs. Gro ...

Their Eyes Were Watching God: Janie Speaks Her Ideas
[ view this term paper ]Words: 705 | Pages: 3

... Janie did not always speak her ideas. She would often do something that made an impression on someone. The first real action Janie took was to leave her husband, Logan Killicks. By doing this, she has shown the community that a person can not always be happy with material things when she or he is not in love. Janie says, "Ah want things sweet wid mah marriage lak when you sit under a pear tree and think." She shows her grandma that she is not happy with her Janie's next husband, Joe Starks was very nice to her and gave her everything she wanted. When it came to Janie wanting to talk or speak her mind, he ...

English Macbeth
[ view this term paper ]Words: 635 | Pages: 3

... reluctant to accept Macbeths original thought of leaving the idea alone ‘What beast was’t then that made you break this enterprise to me’ She appears supremely confident about murdering Duncan even though Macbeth is not which also shows of her great ambition to succeed and become queen of Scotland. ‘We Fail? … But screw your courage… and we’ll not fail’ Lady Macbeth plans the murder from a very early stage even when Macbeth is unsure of what he is to do ‘When Duncan is asleep… his spongy officers, who shall bear the guilt of our great quell? ...

An Analysis Of The Novel Candide By Voltaire
[ view this term paper ]Words: 753 | Pages: 3

... the Bulgarian army. Candide has a terrible time in the army, he tries to escape, and he is punished severely. During the confusion of war Candide manages to escape. Time passes and Candide meets some other interesting individuals and has one bad experience after the next. One day Candide meets a woman who takes care of him and this is none other than Cunegonde. They amuse each other with stories of misfortune and travel around the world. At every place Candide goes something unthinkable seems to happen to him. Candide meets several people along the way who all have their own interesting story of misfortune an ...

The Mysterious Stranger: Dependence On Others
[ view this term paper ]Words: 733 | Pages: 3

... The citizens are forced into ignorance because, knowledge "was not good for the common people, and could make them discontented with the lot which God had appointed for them, and God would not endure discontentment with His plans."(279) They are taught to be followers of God and all that symbolizes Him and His power which leads to the importance they place on the idea of Moral Sense. Moral Sense is "the faculty which enables us to distinguish good from evil," however Eseldorf's citizens only know what is religiously virtuous so this is how they define Moral Sense. The people think that their freewill is what ...

The Jilting Of Granny Weatherall: Ellen Weatherwall
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1192 | Pages: 5

... states, “The depressed pain of her lovers betrayal – the jilting – has never been resolved, it surfaces from the depths of her psyche everytime her controlled consciousness wanes and fades.” Consumed by the pain Ellen finds herself going back and forth from old age to womanhood and back again after the cycle is completed. During the time the story also goes back and forth. It takes the reader from the deathbed to Ellen’s unconscious thought. This begins to carry the story forward. (DeMouy, 46) Ellen Weatherall’s life changes when she is jilted. “A young women with a peaked Spanish comb in her hair and a ...

Critical Essay On Billy Budd
[ view this term paper ]Words: 521 | Pages: 2

... to murder were beyond their control; they had been stranded at sea and forced to kill and eat their fourth companion, who had fallen ill and was about to die anyway. The Judge, Lord Coleridge, found them guilty because "law cannot follow nature's principle of self-preservation." In other words, necessity is not a justification for killing, even when this necessity is beyond human control. Since Billy is unable to defend himself verbally, he "responds to pure nature, and the dictates of necessity" by lashing out at Claggart. I agree with Reich's notion that Vere was correct in hanging Billy, and that it is societ ...

The First King Of Shannara: Summary
[ view this term paper ]Words: 346 | Pages: 2

... and find out that the whole Troll nation was subverted by the now called Warlock Lord. So Bremen goes to Paranor to tell the Druids of the Warlock Lord¹s coming, but they wouldn¹t listen except his friends Tay Trefenwyd, an Elf, and Risca, a Dwarve. Right before they leave, a girl Druid wants to join them. Well, finally, Bremen lets her come with them. He decides to go to the Hadeshorn, a lake that lets the druids of the past come out to speak with them. So, Bremen talks to the first Druid named Galaphile Elessidel. He shows him four visions of what they have to do. One of Paranor destroyed and the Druids all ...

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