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Help With Biography Papers

President Andrew Jackson
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1811 | Pages: 7

... controversies brought forth strong rivalry over his years of president. He was known for his iron will and fiery personality, and strong use of the powers of his office that made his years of presidency to be known as the "Age of Jackson." Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767, in a settlement on the border of North and South Carolina. He was orphaned at age 14. After studying law and becoming a member of the Bar in North Carolina later he moved to Nashville Tennessee. Their he became a member of a powerful political faction led by William Blount. He was married in 1791 to Rachel Donelson Robards, and later r ...

Charles Augustus Lindbergh
[ view this term paper ]Words: 468 | Pages: 2

... of St. Louis, Lindbergh left Roosevelt Field at 7:52 AM on May 20, 1927. After a flight of 33 hours 32 minutes, he landed at Le Bourget Airport near Paris. His achievement won the enthusiasm and acclaim of the world, and he was greeted as a hero in Europe and the U.S. He was later commissioned a colonel in the U.S. Air Service Reserve and was a technical adviser to commercial airlines. He made "goodwill tours" of Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies. Lindbergh flew over Yucatán and Mexico in 1929 and over the Far East in 1931, and in 1933 he made a survey of more than 48,000 km (about 30,000 mi) for transa ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 360 | Pages: 2

... a good number of the struggles to be similar. Therefore, stated would work together in order to solve universal problems. For example, you could eliminate a problem in Olympia, Washington and Miami, Florida at the same time. Because of their similar problems. Another teaching of Confucius is to put aside military conquests and focus on the good of the country. The US definitely needs to do this. Every day on television we see poor, famined children persuading us to support their struggle. Them commercials should be outlawed. The commercials should be on the poor famined kids in the United States. We have our ow ...

Pablo Casals
[ view this term paper ]Words: 565 | Pages: 3

... at the Madrid Conservatory, Casals decided to improve the sound of the cello by making important modifications on the techniques of playing it. For this first accomplishment Casals made, which he thought of simply as "necessary to my performance", Pablo Casals was widely acclaimed as a master. He received even more acclaim just after his first performance in Paris on 1898, this sparked his long and monuments career. Soon Casals began a great deal of touring across Europe and the Americas, making his fresh, new style increasingly more and more popular. Because of his popularity, at the time, the solo ce ...

Frank Liszt
[ view this term paper ]Words: 717 | Pages: 3

... and began his stormy relationship (1833-1844) with the (married) Countess Marie d'Agoult. They lived in Switzerland and Italy and had three children. He gave concerts in Paris, maintaining his legendary reputation, and published some essays, but was active chiefly as a composer (Annees de pèlerinage). To help raise funds for the Bonn Beethoven monument, he resumed the life of a travelling virtuoso (1839-1847); he was admired everywhere, from Ireland to Turkey, Portugal to Russia. In 1848, he took up a full-time job conducting post at the Weimar court. Living with Princess Carolyne Sayn-Wittgenstein, he w ...

William Marshall
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1282 | Pages: 5

... a skilled negotiator. He was the premier example of lordship in William’s life. William’s relationship with his father would be brief and he would never experience him beyond his childhood. John Marshall died in 1165. John would leave a legacy behind that would influence William’s life and spark the future of his outstanding career both as a soldier and a courtier. At age thirteen William was sent to William De Tancarville, to begin his military training for the knighthood. William De Tancarville was known throughout Europe as one of the grander patrons of knighthood. In the Tancarville household, Will ...

Frank Sinatra
[ view this term paper ]Words: 970 | Pages: 4

... of them. He was bigger than life, but human as the next guy, and keenly aware of his public persona's many sides. And yet he knew, deep down, that the music - The Voice - was clear enough, powerful enough and passionate enough to eclipse the public's darkest doubts about Sinatra the man. Francis Albert Sinatra was born Dec. 12, 1915, the only child of working-class Italian-American immigrants, in a tenement at 415 Monroe St. in Hoboken, New Jersey. His father, Anthony, was a boxer-turned-fireman; his mother, Natalie "Dolly" Sinatra, was a former barmaid who often sang at family gatherings. Their home and ...

Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
[ view this term paper ]Words: 4386 | Pages: 16

... thought being rewritten, affecting the entire intellectual life of Western civilization. UPBRINGING AND EDUCATION Darwin was trained for the Church in an age that saw the gentry as the moral backbone of a Christian nation. The son of a wealthy doctor, his mother (who died when he was eight) was the pottery industrialist Josiah Wedgwood's daughter. Despite his mother's Unitarianism and father's free thought, Darwin received an Anglican education. Medical training at Edinburgh University proved unsuccessful, but he loved beach combing with Dr Robert E. Grant, a sponge expert, Lamarckian evolutionist, a democrat ...

The Work Of John Collier
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2114 | Pages: 8

... as love which are focused on the relationships of the young and old. Collier is notable for lightly carried erudition, literary allusiveness and quiet wit, according to Anthony Burgess. Anthony Burgess, a novelist, said though not a writer of the very first rank, he possessed considerable literary skill and a rare capacity to entertain (Contemporary Authors 111). Collier's readers are involved in his writings by trick endings or "take away endings" in which readers are given all clues but asked to finish, the story on their own (Critical Survey 1169). His subject manner is often the line between logical or psy ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 1086 | Pages: 4

... of worship, the anointing of the family line of his brother Aaron as priests, and the creation of a legal system of governance for the community. Ancient Israel had a long oral tradition of laws and legends, and it is likely that some parts of the story of were written long after his lifetime. Modern scholarship recognizes that while the core of the biblical story of contains real history, there is disagreement as to the accuracy of every action and every word attributed to by the biblical writers. Whether one views the Bible as the revealed word of God or as the writing of inspired people, the figure of tow ...

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