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Help With Biography Papers

Catherine The Great
[ view this term paper ]Words: 742 | Pages: 3

... absolute ruler of the largest European empire, whose language she never learned to speak correctly and without accent. At the age of 33, Catherine was not only a handsome woman (whose numerous love affairs dominate the popular accounts of her life), but also unusually well read and deeply involved in the cultural trends of her age. She was a tireless worker and knew how to select capable assistants--for example, Nikita PANIN in foreign affairs, Aleksandr SUVOROV in the military, and Grigory POTEMKIN in administration. Imbued with the ideas of the Enlightenment, Catherine aimed at completing the j ...

Finest Young Man In Rome
[ view this term paper ]Words: 716 | Pages: 3

... love to his friend, and his honor. The most important reason that Rufinus will kill himself is his mother's conspiracy. Everything had change in his life so quickly. His father, whom he admired and respected, died in the battle. He became a new head of family. He got more responsibilities. He also had to accept a priesthood that he did not want. Rufinus found himself in a new, difficult situation. He wasn't ready for it. He did not expect anything like this to happen. Rufinus was confused and did not know what to do. He did not know who is telling the truth. He had believed that his father's death was an accident ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 515 | Pages: 2

... In the Virginia House of Burgesses and the Continental Congress, he contributed his pen rather than his voice to the patriot cause. As the "silent member" of the Congress, Jefferson, at 33, drafted the Declaration of Independence. In years following he labored to make its words a reality in Virginia. Most notably, he wrote a bill establishing religious freedom, enacted in 1786. Jefferson succeeded Benjamin Franklin as minister to France in 1785. His sympathy for the French Revolution led him into conflict with Alexander Hamilton when Jefferson was Secretary of State in President Washington's Cabinet. He resigne ...

Arnold Schönberg
[ view this term paper ]Words: 264 | Pages: 1

... artistic development. In 1902, he received on Richard Strauss' recommendation the popular Liszt-scholarship as well as a, apprenticeship at the Stern conservatory. Before returning to Vienna in 1903, he composed the symphonic poem "Pelleas und Melisande" op 5, where the limits of tonality were appreciably extended. Schönberg revolutionized modern music by establishing the 12-tone technique of SERIAL MUSIC as an important organizational device. After the end of the war, Schönberg founded the "Verein für musikalische Privataufführungen" (society for private music performances), a new forum for modern music. The go ...

Alexander Graham Bell
[ view this term paper ]Words: 314 | Pages: 2

... Alexander manipulated his dogs vocal cords and mouth to change growls to words. By the time Alexander was sixteen he was teaching music at a boys boarding school. Alexander Bell meet Thomas Watson at an electrical machine shop, Watson and Alexander formed a friendship after Alexander told him of his idea about transmitting speech over a wire. On June 2,1875, when working in the transmitting room Watson produced a twang when trying to loosen up a wire.  Alexander working on the transmitter was able to send sounds that resembled that of a human voice. Next, Alexander discovered that a wire vibrated by speech whe ...

Picasso - Life Stile
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1466 | Pages: 6

... that played out during his lifetime and the ways in which they manifested themselves in his creations (Penrose). Pablo Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain, to an artist and museum curator, Jose Ruiz Blasco. As a young child he surprised his elders with his astounding artistic abilities; and, as Rachel Barnes points out in her introduction to Picasso by Picasso: Artists by Themselves, there seemed to be no doubt that Picasso would become a painter. In order to better hone his prodigious abilities, Picasso attended the Academy in Barcelona for a brief period of time. He spent most of his early years painting in P ...

Salvador Dali
[ view this term paper ]Words: 395 | Pages: 2

... In 1929 Cafe Cyrano featured an exhibit of Dali's own surrealist paintings. Dali was also fascinated with the writings of psychologist Sigmund Freud. He was so moved by Frued's theory that he subsequently vowed to his life's ambition to "systemize confusion". Dali is best known for his surrealist works. Surrealism is an art style in which imagery is based on fantasy and the world of dreams. It is thought have grown out of the French literary movement in the 1920's and has it's roots in Dadaism. These painters developed a dreamlike, or hallucinatory, imagery that was all the more startling for its highly rea ...

Emily Dickinson: Her View Of God
[ view this term paper ]Words: 919 | Pages: 4

... to inquire about things that only God was capable of answering. In Dickinson's poem, "I Shall Know Why-When Time Is Over", she is describing her feelings toward God. It appears as though she is angry with Him because she cannot get any answers to her questions. Emily Dickinson feels, that the answers to these questions will only come with death. " I shall know why-when time is over- And I have ceased to wonder why- Christ will explain each separate anguish In the fair schoolroom of the sky- (78)". After she dies and God answers all of her questions, Dickinson then says: " I shal ...

The Life Of Alexander Hamilton
[ view this term paper ]Words: 4858 | Pages: 18

... and their mother, who had been abandoned by their undependable father in 1765 on St. Croix, lived on the bottom rung of white society on the mercilessly stratified island. Having to fend for herself and her two children after James left, Rachel opened a store, and employed her youngest son as clerk and bookkeeper. It was in his mother's store that Hamilton got his first taste of finance; it was also in that high-visibility capacity that he probably became the target of malicious whispers, or perhaps even outward disdain from the townspeople he encountered. Rachel's husband, who had had her imprisoned in Ch ...

Martin Luther King & Malcom X
[ view this term paper ]Words: 678 | Pages: 3

... and not), and told the blacks to stand up for who they are and be proud of their background. Both of the men were very talented speakers and used this talent to their advantage. They spoke to everyone, but as individuals. This made the blacks believe in what they were saying and made it easier to comprehend. Another similarity of both men, that really is a tragedy is they were both assassinated. Both were assassinated for the same reason: saying, believing, and making it happen of the equality of blacks and whites on the same level. There were a lot of whites out there that believed whites were superior no ...

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