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Help With Biography Papers

Herman Melville
[ view this term paper ]Words: 611 | Pages: 3

... of cannibals in the Marquesas. Later he made his way to Tahiti where he idled away nearly a year. After another year at sea he returned to America in the fall of 1844. Although he had never before attempted serious writing, in 1846 he published Typee an account of his life in the Marquesas. The book was a great success, for Melville had visited a part of the world almost unknown to Americans, and his descriptions of his bizarre experiences suited the taste of a romantic age. As he wrote Melville became conscious of deeper powers. In 1849 he began a systematic study of Shakespeare, pondering the bard's int ...

Richard The Lion Hearted
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1723 | Pages: 7

... his life he spoke little of it. He had four brothers and three sisters, the first of which died at a young age. Of the remainder, Henry was named heir to the English throne, Richard was to succeed his mother's Aquitane and Geoffrey was to inherit Brittany. John was the poorest to fair out receiving nothing from his father. It is this action that gave him the name John Lackland. At a young age of twelve, Richard pledged homage to the King of France for lands of his. At the age of fourteen, Richard was named the Duke of Aquitane in the church of St. Hillaire at Poitiers (one of the lands ma ...

It Came From Ohio! My Life As A Writer: Biography Of R. L. Stine
[ view this term paper ]Words: 355 | Pages: 2

... which he wrote it in 6th grade. When Mr. Stine got into high school, he became a magazine writer and he wrote three more magazines. One of them was called Eloquent Insanity, another one was titled Uproarious Utopia, the last one was named Stories and Gags. R.L. Stine got a scholarship to Ohio State University -- only two blocks from his home. He joined the Sundial as a writer, and later applied to be the editor and got the job. When he made up Jovial Bob (a way to introduce himself and humor to the readers) to help The Sundial because people weren't buying the paper; which they did once they met “Bob”. J ...

St. Gregory Of Tours
[ view this term paper ]Words: 505 | Pages: 2

... Gregory all about the Scriptures. Gregory was not too impressed with the scriptures. Gregory got seriously ill and wasn’t supposed to recover. He did recover though and this made him more mindful of God and the scriptures. Gregory then became a friend with the Bishop of Tours whose name was Euphronius. Euphronius died in 573 and Gregory succeeded him as Bishop of Tours. During this time in Tours, there was great political and social chaos. The relationships with the Bishops and the Kings and Masters was not good. The Kings abused their powers and this caused civil wars. Gregory wrote that these conflic ...

The Life Of Julius Caesar
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1364 | Pages: 5

... Caesar rose to power, gaining full control over Rome, along with Pompey and Crassus. Pompey desired land and Crassus, money but Caesar’s ambitions were far more superior than materialistic gain - he had an unquenchable thirst for power. The ambitious three formed the First Triumvirate which soon ended due to Crassus' death. Senate in their desperate attempt to regain control, tried to influence Pompey to bring about Caesar's fall. The Senate’s plan backfired, giving Caesar full control of Rome and bringing about the end of Pompey’s life. Caesar succeeded in bringing order back to the face of R ...

Why Mark Twain Is The Greatest American Author Of All Time
[ view this term paper ]Words: 632 | Pages: 3

... with friends of mine. We would act out our fantasies just like Tom and Huck did in the story. All of Huck's life he was able to live it the way that he wanted, until he had to move in with Miss Watson. But as you read you find out that every minute he is away from her he is up to his old tricks again. From going out to having a smoke with Tom, or messing up his hair so he could feel at home. You can see that he is still a little boy inside who isn't ready to grow up. Tom Sawyer is one of those type of friends that everybody has, crazy enough to get everybody's attention but smart enough to know when to stop. I re ...

Albert Einstein
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1678 | Pages: 7

... He was fortunate to have an excellent family with which he held a strong relationship. Albert's mother, Pauline Einstein, had an intense passion for music and literature, and it was she that first introduced her son to the violin in which he found much joy and relaxation. Also, he was very close with his younger sister, Maja, and they could often be found in the lakes that were scattered about the countryside near Munich. As a child, Einstein's sense of curiosity had already begun to stir. A favorite toy of his was his father's compass, and he often marveled at his uncle's explanations of algebra. Although you ...

Malcolm Little
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1037 | Pages: 4

... color. He grew up on welfare and hunting rabbits to sell to his neighbors for money. Eventually his mother was declared insane and Malcolm was placed in a foster home. He was the only black child in eighth grade but he was still ranked top of his class in most subjects. At this time he still had hopes of becoming something great. It was soon lost when his teacher asked Malcolm what he wanted to be. His reply was a lawyer. The teacher informed Malcolm that he was a black boy and needed to be reasonable about his career choices. At the age of fourteen he moved to Boston to live with his sister, Ella. He was impressed ...

Norman Schwarzkopf
[ view this term paper ]Words: 390 | Pages: 2

... and at Valley Forge Military Academy in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Valley Forge is a historic place known for its forces in the American Revolution. Almost all of Norman's family joined the military. His dad was in the military all of his life just as Norman was. The Schwarzkopfs are very well known in the military. Norman Schwarzkopf made many life choices in his military career. First, he chose to join the military following his father’s footsteps. Second, he chose to go to Valley Forge because the school he was attending, West Point, only taught students up to the tenth grade. One of his most ...

Jean Toomer
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1042 | Pages: 4

... his wife and son, and in 1996 Toomer's mother, Nina Toomer, gave him the name Nathan Eugene (which he later shortened to Jean). At the age of ten he was stricken with severe stomach ailments which he survived with a greatly altered life. He showed strength early - when faced with adversity, rather than wring his hands and retreat further into himself, Toomer searched for a plan of action, an intellectual scheme and method to cope with a personal crisis. Toomer writes in Wayward and Seeking, "I had an attitude towards myself that I was superior to wrong-doing and above criticism and reproach ... I seemed to in ...

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