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Edna St. Vincent Millay
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1101 | Pages: 5

... eight her mother divorced her father. After the divorce her mother worked as a nurse to support the family. Her mother encouraged Edna and her sisters to study music and literature and urged them to be independent and ambitious. Edna’s first published poem "Forest Trees." Written when she was fourteen, appeared in St. Nicholas Magazine (October 1906). With in the next four years, St. Nicholas published five more of her poems one of which, "The Land of Romance" received a gold badge of the St. Nicholas League and later was reprinted in Current Literature (April 1907). In 1912 "Renas ...

Napoleon Bonaparte
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1485 | Pages: 6

... led to his downfall: "The Attack on Russia", "The War of Nations", and "Waterloo". Napoleon was once quoted as saying, "A battle is a dramatic action which has a beginning, a middle, and an end. The order of battle which the two armies take, the first movements to come to blows- this is the exposition; the counter- movement of the army under attack form the complication, which requires dispositions and and brings on crisis from which springs the result or Denouement (Gray 6)". Napoleon thought himself to be invincible and God-like. He felt that he had a destiny to be one of the greatest military leaders to ever li ...

Geoffrey Chaucer
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1745 | Pages: 7

... not one of peace or stability. Born the son of a London vintner, he remained a Londoner for most of the rest of his life, leaving the city only on ¦the King¦s business_. The city of London was thus Chaucer¦s environment for most of his life. Aside from brief visits into other countries or areas of England, he remained in the city, and it¦s affects on his writing was immense. London of that time was not the London of today. It was a walled city, guarded against invasion, but long enough time had passed since such a threat had approached that the defenses had loosened. Houses perched upon the walls, and Chau ...

Should Eisenhower Be Praised For His Foreign Policies?
[ view this term paper ]Words: 875 | Pages: 4

... as well as his “food for Peace” program and the Inter-American Development Bank. He was always willing to negotiate with the Soviets and was even scared to use nuclear weaponry. Although all of these factors seem to make for a clever and peaceful leader they would have been more effective if Eisenhower had backed them up to the end and not allowed his plans to become corrupted. He claimed to have halted nuclear weapon testing and yet within two years the atomic stockpile had tripled. He also warned against overspending while he was doing just that with defense budgets. At this point his plans were failin ...

Frederic Douglass
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1314 | Pages: 5

... of aspect of the American dream is that of freedom and liberty. Relative to other countries, America was going above and beyond the call of duty to give its citizens these freedoms and rights. The country was founded with a main focus on freedom from Tyranny. This is shown by the following excerpt from the Declaration of Independence: "The history of the present King of Great Britian is a history of repeated injuries and ununsurpations, all having direct object the establishment of Tyranny over these states." When the Constitution was written the first ten amendments were a bill of rights. The amendement th ...

Louis Pasteur 2
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1001 | Pages: 4

... Scholar and Scientist Louis Pasteur was born on Dec. 27, 1822, in Dôle, France. His father was a tanner. In 1827 the family moved to nearby Arbois, where Louis went to school. He was a hard-working pupil but not an especially brilliant one. When he was 17 he received a degree of bachelor of letters at the Collège Royal de Besançon. For the next three years he tutored younger students and prepared for the École Normale Supérieure, a noted teacher-training college in Paris. As part of his studies he investigated the crystallographic, chemical, and optical properties of various forms of tartaric acid. His work ...

Martin Luther And John Calvin Moses
[ view this term paper ]Words: 789 | Pages: 3

... While the Catholic Church believed itself above the governments of Europe, Luther believed that the Church should be subordinate to the State. While most rulers found this most appealing, particularly those of his home country of Germany, the Church found this as preposterous. Lucky for him, a number of German princes hid him in their abodes, protecting him from the Church when he refused to denounce the ninety-five theses he wrote on religion, challenging the ways of the Catholic Church. If it wasn't for this, Lutheranism, and even Protestantism itself, may have disappeared all together. Luther's social attitude ...

Kurt Vonnegut
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2035 | Pages: 8

... in terms of each influence. One of the most significant influences from Vonnegut's life on his personal philosophy has been his participation in World War II. During the war, Vonnegut served in the American army in Europe and was captured by German soldiers. As a prisoner of war, he witnessed the Allied bombing of the city of Dresden, in which more than 135,000 people died due to the resulting fires (Draper, 3785). This experience had a profound impact on Vonnegut. From it, he developed his existential personal philosophy and his ideas about the evils of technology. He states, "I am the enemy of all techno ...

Frank Lincoln Wright
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1425 | Pages: 6

... included education, religion, and nature. Wright's family spent many evenings listening to William Lincoln Wright read the works of Emerson, Thoreau, and Blake outloud. Also his aunts Nell and Jane opened a school of their own pressing the philosophies of German educator, Froebel. Wright was brought up in a comfortable, but certainly not warm household. His father, William Carey Wright who worked as a preacher and a musician, moved from job to job, dragging his family across the United States. His parents divorced when Wright was still young. His mother Anna (Lloyd-Jones) Wright, relied heavily on upon he ...

George Washington Carver 3
[ view this term paper ]Words: 393 | Pages: 2

... self. Carver changed the face of Agriculture in the south with his crop rotation methods. Carver discovered through research and trail and error ways to help soil stay fertile. Through this discovery the nutrients would stay in the ground, and crops could be planted on the same soil year after year. Carver discovered that planting peanut one year then the next planting cotton would keep the soil fertial for the following year. The peanuts contained nitrate-producing legumes, and the cotton took all the nutrients from the soil, so the soil was fresh each planting season. The farmer took his peanuts and used ...

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