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Death Of A Salesman: Summary
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1438 | Pages: 6

... Biff, realizes that his father does not know or understand him as much as he should and that they have spent their whole life living lies. This is important to the theme because it shows the reader that when you lie to those you care most about you form a non-existing relationship because to live a lie is to not live at all. 5. Internal conflicts are what move the plot along for the most part. Throughout the story the characters are trying to live with who they are and also trying to please everyone else. The internal conflict of acceptance is what they all have to deal with and that is what moves the plot ...

Julius Caesar: Brutus
[ view this term paper ]Words: 730 | Pages: 3

... to slice her thigh open just to prove her loyalty and trustworthiness to her noble husband. He also cared very deeply about his wife and he loved her very dearly. “O ye gods, render me worthy of this noble wife!” ( II, i, 303-304) Because of his profound stoicism, Brutus did not seem to show his graditude much when Portia killed her self. He simply drank wine to get ride of the pain and told Cassius to never speak of his wife again. “Lucius a bowl of wine! I did not think you could have been so angry, O Cassius, I am sick of many griefs. ...

The Big Chill: Symbolism
[ view this term paper ]Words: 393 | Pages: 2

... a "reunion" after his funeral, only to find out that nobody really knew each other since their college days. This is symbolic that their friendships had been frozen, or dead, perhaps, since the group "broke up" many years ago. Another possibility is that the title symbolizes each individual's stolid realization that a certain part of their lives was dead, or frozen. This could refer to Alex, who had killed himself. Or it could refer to their friendship, which pro bably dwindled down from an occasional phone call to a seasonal letter or card, and eventually to virtual non- communication. The titl ...

Antigone: Creon
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2136 | Pages: 8

... that anyone else can be right and his failure to acknowledge a higher good than that of the state. In part, the characterization of Creon is Sophocles' commentary on the corrupting influence that absolute power has even on a good man, and is typical of the democratic Athenian attitude. Though her role is smaller, Antigone is the more difficult character to understand. Some have judged her to be guilty of the sin of pride and overwhelmed by an immature or masochistic desire to martyr herself. Others consider her a woman of innate nobility and idealism, unwilling to compromise the truth as she sees it, who suffer ...

Children, TV, And Violence
[ view this term paper ]Words: 2528 | Pages: 10

... not as civilized and advanced as they? I believe it is this numbness to violence that has made America so violent. When I think back to my childhood and remember television I remember watching such programs as "Sesame Street", "Mr. Rogers", and "Scooby - Doo". I have nothing but pleasant memories filled with happiness, peace, understanding, and learning. When you watch children's programs today you see senseless violence often as the first means of solving a problem. The classic view of "good" versus "evil" is the basis of these shows with violence as the answer. When children watch these programs they copy ...

The Play "Amadeus" Is Mainly Concerned With The Destructive Nature Of Jealousy
[ view this term paper ]Words: 558 | Pages: 3

... Mozart by starving him of work and students, and thus, money and food. If Salieri had not restricted the amount of work actually shown to the general public, then Mozart could have been wealthy, and quite possibly selected as the new Kapellmeister. Mozart doesn't understand the importance of pleasing members of the Viennese court. He has no comprehension of the value of money, for when he successfully earns any, he spends it on lavish food and clothes immediately, instead of saving it. He spends all his time churning out music in final copy, which, although beautiful, doesn't earn money as would teaching music. ...

TV Violence
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1641 | Pages: 6

... teen Rangers Kick up a storm. The author of this article, Particia Chrisholm, explains a heated debate over the affects that the kids show "The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" has on children. According to this article, the "hemeted lycra covered Rangers" acts as a bad influence on children. Many parents have come to believe that the childen try to act like the kids hreo's. A cocerned mother, Kathryn Flannery went so far as to petition the CRTC. The CRTC responded by saying that "the show is avassively to violent."(Chrisholm 1994 p.52) As a result of the petiton, many stations voluntarily refused to air the con ...

Macebth: Power Of Knowledge
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1405 | Pages: 6

... Before the murders, he is portrayed as a brave and loyal soldier. It is up to the audience to decide how much he is influenced by the witches' prophecies, the prodding of his wife, and his own ambition, therefore this will decide if Macbeth is a tragic hero the audience can show emotion towards. The power from knowledge causes discomfort. As often been said, ignorance is bliss. After Macbeth is promised the throne, Banquo asks why Macbeth is less than ecstatic. "Good sir, why do you start, and seem to fear / Things that do sound so fair?" (Act I, Sciii, L. 54-55) Macbeth's new knowledge makes him uncomf ...

Analysis Of The Final Scene Of Braveheart
[ view this term paper ]Words: 414 | Pages: 2

... crowd gave you a feeling of being right there in amongst them, watching William Wallace getting his guts pulled out of his body. It also with the expressional shots of the people at first giving you a sort of pissed off emotion when the laugh and spit at him. Then when they see his devotion to being free they were begging him to plead mercy to the King of England to see him suffer no more. When you see the close ups of William Wallace you can actually see the devotion he gave to his wife and to his country of Scotland. He holds his wife’s marriage cloth to him in his hands at all times to show it to her. He sh ...

The Different Kinds Of Advertisements
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1058 | Pages: 4

... of the product at the bottom of the page and the girls are standing in an outside setting. All of these where put there for a reason that most readers over look. There is a reason that the company chose to use all of the different races, to show cultural diversity, and that the company isn't racist or other wise they are open to everyone and every race. They also show that they make make-up for all skin tones where as other companies just have make-up for a few skin tones. There are many questions you can ask about this advertisement by just looking at it because they don't show a lot of things in it. For example, h ...

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