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Help With Arts and Theater Papers

Hamlet: "To Be Insane Or Not To Be Insane That Tis The Question"
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1000 | Pages: 4

... not knowing it at the time, would logically justify his actions. For example in act III, Hamlet said to Ophelia: You should not have believed me; for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. I loved you not. ... Get thee to a nunnery!...Go thy ways to a nunnery. (Sc.I 125) Here we can see that Hamlet had told Ophelia earlier in the scene how deeply he loved her, but here he has changed completely, saying that he had never loved her. With in this quote he slips in that Ophelia should go to a nunnery. This is his just cause f ...

Death Of A Salesman : A Social Criticism
[ view this term paper ]Words: 1780 | Pages: 7

... great literature, the opinions continue to grow and change with each generation so that the book will never be closed on Death of a Salesman. Because it would take a short tome to discuss all the classic arguments on Miller's excellent work, the focus of this theme will be on Salesman's value as a comment on society. Willy does not meet America's twentieth century economic standards of success, therefore he is seen as a failure; he absolutely will not entertain the possibility of finding a job more suitable to his talents, even though perhaps he could function as a member of society if he did; and he lives in a de ...

The Merchant Of Venice: A Tragic Play
[ view this term paper ]Words: 793 | Pages: 3

... the scenarios wouldn't be taken as seriously as they should be. Infact I believe that The Merchant of Venice written by William Shakespeare was officially intended to be so in both comic and tragic. In depth looking and observing The Merchant of Venice I have seen a small equivalency in the amount of comicness and tragedy in the play. I have come up with the conclusion that William Shakespeare was a great playwright and must have been an absolute genius to compose the great and wonderful things that he did. The Merchant of Venice is excellent in it's way of describing the characters. The emotion is spread out ...

The Chorus Of Antigone
[ view this term paper ]Words: 466 | Pages: 2

... greatly throughout the play, he starts as a best friend, or someone out to help the common man, but later in the play he becomes more and more ruthless as his power corrupts him. At about the time his degradation reaches it's climax the chorus interrupts with a song about death, how man can control the most powerful of elements, and tame the wildest beast, yet death still comes. He also learns through them some important things about love, especially that it is unconquerable. Through the chorus Creon begins to see that he is wrong and God is superior to himself, but it takes a lot to shake his belief that a ...

Los Vendidos
[ view this term paper ]Words: 412 | Pages: 2

... and be forward looking, most important he needs to think American"(page 382). In his statement he is only finding the bad of his people and stating it for the entire room to hear. He shows great disrespect for the Mexican heritage by saying all that is wroong with them. He shows their flaws, weaknesses, and imperfections. I believe your heritage makes up who you are and that is you, so you should never disrespect yourself by disrespecting your heritage. I believe thee way he sold-out was by disrespecting his heritage. THe Mexican American is still trying to decide weather he is going to live Mexican or Ame ...

Macbeth: Summary
[ view this term paper ]Words: 475 | Pages: 2

... to lose her tenderness that is normally associated with womanhood so that she can help her husband to get the crown. Duncan and his followers then arrive at the Castle for a Banquet, to honour Macbeth further, they remark on how peaceful it looks. After the Banquet when everyone goes off to bed, Macbeth murders Duncan. When finding out of the death, Duncan's two sons fled fearing for their lives, Malcolm headed towards England and Donabain to Ireland. Macbeth sends two murderers to kill Banquo, for he fears that the witches prophecies about Banquo will come true too. Macbeth is scared and confused ...

A Letter To Shakespeare
[ view this term paper ]Words: 611 | Pages: 3

... more revised version of the story for people today to read. One part that really stuck out to me was the very famous "balcony scene". Much of the language here could use some revision. For example, when Juliet says, "Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?", I think it would be much better if she simply said something to the affect of "Romeo, where are you?" since that is practically all she is saying. And at the end of the balcony scene, instead of Juliet saying "Parting is such sweet sorrow," although that is very dramatic, she could just say something like, "I wish you didn't have to go so soon." Anothe ...

[ view this term paper ]Words: 1178 | Pages: 5

... of architectural ideas.1 Although by 1400 Gothic had become the universal style of building in the Western world, its creative heartland was in northern France in an area stretching from the royal domain around Paris, including Saint-Denis and Chartres, to the region of the Champagne in the east and southward to Bourges. Within this restricted area, in the series of cathedrals built in the course of the 12th and 13th centuries, the major innovations of Gothic architecture took place.2 The supernatural character of medieval religious architecture was given a special form in the Gothic church. "Medieval man consi ...

Springer Vs. Winfrey: The Battle Of The Talk Show Giants
[ view this term paper ]Words: 704 | Pages: 3

... lust, sex, adultery and hate. In a vintage Springer show, he finds women who cheated on their boyfriends and are going to confess. But the boyfriends are in for yet another surprise. It turns out some of the women have been seeing other women instead of other men. Another episode dealt with a man who cut off his genitals because he claimed his homosexual neighbor was stalking him. Shocking, but the list of dangerous love triangles, broken homes, devil worshipers and the popular talk topic of the Klu Klux clan goes on. The Springer show is a display and misuse of societies’ moral tragedies. Yet people lo ...

Another Hit Movie With The Wayan Brothers
[ view this term paper ]Words: 592 | Pages: 3

... comedy to mock and make fun of what it is like to live in the 'hood'. For example they have a grandma that slams down 40 ounce bottles of beer, smokes marijuana, uses very profane language, and drives a car with hydraulics. The focus of the movie is on a character named ashtray (Shawn Wayans), which goes back to the hood when his mom takes him there. Ashtray says, "will I see you again mom?" "Sorry, you know there ain't know positive females in any of these movies," she replied. Ashtray meets up with his cousin Loc Dog (Marlon Wayans), who has marijuana and condoms in his hair, and meets a bunch of gangsters fr ...

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